Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

08. Read this Writing Part 2 question and then, before you read the essay in exercise 9, think of some advantages and disadvantages.

Some children spend most of their free time taking part in clubs and other planned activities. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

09. Fill in the gaps in the essay with the linking expressions in the box.

My own view is
my own opinion
One reason is that
In addition
Many parents think that their children should have many free-time activities, such as joining sports clubs and having music lessons. Children often have no time which can really be called free time. In this essay I will look at the advantages and disadvantages of this and give
, if we think of all the great artists, musicians and sportsmen and women in the world, they all started by doing their activity as a hobby. They found they had a talent and developed their skills to become world class. Secondly, children usually enjoy their activities, make friends and become well-developed people.
, parents think that being busy will stop the children getting into trouble. Their parents know what they are doing at all times.
, this is not always a positive trend. children can become stressed when they have to run from activity to activity.
, they need time to play freely and use their imaginations. They can get to know themselves and their likes and dislikes during this time. It is important to give them time to relax, watch TV, read and be with their parents, grandparents and siblings.
that we need to have a balance. Children should choose one or two activities they really like, and have free time to just be themselves the rest of the time.

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