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Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

10. Read the following essay question and then write Agree (A) or Disagree (D) next to each point 1-6 below.

Children are now less active in their free time than in the past. Therefore, sports lessons must be compulsory in schools. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

1. If people are unfit, the government will have to spend a lot of money on medical care in the future.

2. Physical activity improves children's mental well-being.

3. Sports lessons are a waste of valuable study time.

4. Schools need to spend a lot of money on sports facilities.

5. Sports help children learn discipline and working with others as a team.

6. Some young people do not enjoy sports.

11. Write your essay using the following plan:

Paragraph 1

Introduction - a general opening sentence (a paraphrase of the question)

I agree or I disagree - in this essay I will give reasons

Paragraph 2 Summarise the opposite view: Some people believe ...
Say why you disagree with them - give your main point
Paragraph 3 Give your view - at least two more points, with supporting evidence
Paragraph 4 Conclusion - state your view again and give a brief summary of your main arguments

Sample answer

Nowadays young people often spend their free time at home watching TV or playing computer games. Very few do sports outside of school. This means that if they don't do exercise during school time, they will be unfit and suffer from health problems. I agree that children should do sports lessons at school. In this essay I will explain why.
Some people say that sports lessons are a waste of time. Students have to prepare for exams and should spend all their time on academic work. This is what many people think in my country. In my opinion they are wrong.A healthy mind needs a healthy body.Doing exercise every day makes you happy and relaxed. Studying all the time can make you stressed.
Another reason for my opinion is that having an unfit generation will cause many problems for society. When today's children get older, unfortunately they may suffer from illnesses like heart disease. The government will have to spend a lot of money on doctors and hospitals. It is much better to create a fit and healthy adult population by getting children to do sports when they are still at school. In addition, sports teach people discipline and working as a team. This will help them in their future life.
In conclusion, I can say that prevention is better than cure.Children who do sports will be healthier, happier adults. They are more likely to continue with their active lifestyle when they grow up. In this way we can make a better society for the future. (263 words)
In the exam, leave a few minutes at the end to read through your essay with a checklist like this one in your mind.

12. Check your essay using this checklist.

  • Are my paragraphs clearly shown? (leave a line or indent)
  • Have I used linking words and expressions?
  • Have I used phrases to introduce my opinion?
  • Are my tenses correct (mostly present and future)?
  • Have I checked my spelling, grammar and punctuation?

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