Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

  • understand a description of a place
  • follow directions
  • label a map
  • recognise distractors
A common task in the Listening test is labelling a map. In order to complete this type of question, it is important that you are familiar with words and phrases for giving directions.

01. Each picture illustrates a word or phrase used to give directions. Match the pictures with the words in the box.

behind go past go straight ahead/ straight on
in front of next to opposite turn left turn right









Check with a partner. Did you get the same answers?
Can you think of any more useful words for giving directions?

02. Describe a route you often take to a partner.

To walk to my local shop, I have to turn left outside my house and then turn right
onto a main road. I then walk straight ahead until I get to a mini-round about ...

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