Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

It is important to use a variety of language in your talk. It is useful to use !inking words such as and, or, but, also, so, in fact, for example, and because. These will make your talk flow better and will help you to give extra information. 

04. Listen to a candidate called Serena giving her talk.

I'm going to talk about a hobby I'd like to take up in the future. I really want to learn ballroom dancing. This is because I love Latin music and I love the way the dancers move and shake. I also want to give myself a challenge and learn something new. Watching ballroom dancing always makes me feel excited. I don't think it'll be too difficult for me, because I already do ballet and tap dancing. I like learning new steps. For example, I really want to learn the tango or the samba because these are exciting and look good to people watching. I've tried Flamenco dancing but I'm not very good. I'm also worried about finding the right dance partner, because I'll be a little slow to learn in the beginning. So I might fall over sometimes. In fact I'll probably fall over quite a lot! 

05. The words Serena uses to connect her ideas are in bold. Match phrases 1-7 with the connecting words and phrases A-G. 

1. This is because I love Latin music

2. I love the way the dancers move and shake.

3. I like learning new steps

4. I really want to learn the tango

5. I've tried Flamenco dancing

6. I'm also worried about finding the right dance partner

7. I might fall over sometimes. 

A. In fact , I'll probably fall over quite a lot!

B. For example, I really want to learn the tango

C. or the samba

D. I also want to give myself a challenge

E. but I'm not very good.

F. and I love the way the dancers move and shake.

G. because I'll be a little slow to learn in the beginning. 

 Listen again and check your answers. 

06. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. You can use the activities in the box, or you can choose your own. Practise saying them with a partner. 

going on social media
playing computer games
making jewellery 
watching TV

1. I like [activity] and ... 

I like table tennis and I'm a member of my college team.

2. I like [activity] because ...

3. I love [activity], but ...

4. I'm not keen on [activity] - in fact ...

5. I love all kinds of [activity]. For example, ...

6. A lot of people in my country [activity]. They also ...

7. At weekends I enjoy [activity] or [activity] with my friends. 

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