Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 07: Fame And The Media)

Write an essay answering the following question. Use the advice in the box.

You may use the ideas below if you wish.
Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are paid far too much money?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

  • Write a brief plan.
  • Give your opinion clearly.
  • Make sure each main point has supporting evidence.
  • Briefly consider the opposite opinion.
  • Leave a few minutes to check your essay.


  • Essential workers such as nurses and teachers often receive low salaries.
  • Celebrities are often born with their talent for singing or acting. They have not spent years at university like doctors and engineers.
  • Most of them waste their money on expensive houses, cars and parties.


  • Celebrities do not have a private life and work very hard.
  • Very few people reach the top levels of music, acting or sport - we should reward those that do.
  • It is a case of supply and demand. We create demand by going to see their concerts and buying their music.

Sample essay

Every year a list of the highest paid celebrities is published. Some stars are paid hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Some people think they deserve this money for their talent and hard work. I personally disagree. I don't believe anyone should have such excessive amounts of money. In this essay I will explain the reasons for my view.
Some people argue that the highest earning celebrities are special. They have a talent that few of us possess and they have worked incredibly hard to become the best. My view is that we all have our own skills and abilities and most of us work hard. Just because someone's talent is for making things or teaching, why should they get paid so much less?
It is true that we create the demand for celebrities that lets them become so wealthy. However, I think we are all paying too much for tickets to concerts and sporting events.This is unfair because people with low incomes don't have the opportunity to see these events in person. If celebrities earned less, more people would be able to afford to buy music and go to concerts.
In addition, I think that it is bad for society that only singers, actors and sportsmen are valued.Children no longer want to grow up to be train drivers, carpenters, plumbers or even teachers because they want a 'celebrity lifestyle' of expensive houses and private jets.
To conclude, I strongly agree that famous people should have a lifestyle which is more similar to that of ordinary people. (261 words)

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