Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 07: Fame And The Media)

The subject matter for this type of task can vary. It is possible to be presented with a flow-chart which s technical or scientific. The language used, therefore, can often seem challenging at first.

One approach to handling this type of flow-chart is this:

  • Underline the key words you do understand.
  • Decide which type of word is missing from each gap: adjective, noun, verb, etc. (make a note).
  • Try to work out the overall meaning of each stage of the chart.
Try not to panic when you see technical or scientific words you don't recognise. Focus on the words you do understand.

08. Read the flow-chart below, which uses a lot of technical language, and follow the advice on the previous page.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Getting the best from your camcorder
Most camcorders can perform all necessary tasks using automatic functions. But for a more professional result, you must also learn how to use the controls.

The Focus function on the camera is very . You need to turn the focus ring one way or the other, depending on whether the object you want to film is or further away.

The Iris is an adjustable opening (aperture) which controls the amount of coming through the lens (the exposure). As you open the iris, more light comes in and the picture appears

Finally, the Zoom is a very manual function and therefore often over-used. This feature moves your shot closer or further away from the subject. For zooms a tripod is recommended.

09. Look at the options in the box. Discuss with a partner which are possible for each gap.

A. bigger
B. brighter
C. closer
F. long
G. manual
H. popular
D. important
I. short
E. light
J. useful

10. You will hear a talk on how to get the best from your camcorder. Choose SEVEN answers from the list and write the correct letter, A-J, next to questions 1-7 in exercise 8.

Listen carefully, as some of the options in the box are distractors.

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