Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 07: Fame And The Media)

Use these words to make longer, connected answers for Speaking Parts 2 and 3.

03. Listen to another candidate doing the same task. As you listen, complete the script using the connecting words in the box. One of them can be used more than once.

and because but in spite of so when who whose why

Well, the famous person I’m going to describe is David Beckham. He was a footballer played for Manchester United, he also played for England. I first saw him play for United I was only seven, that was probably in about 2002. I remember it as one of the most exciting days in my life!

David Beckham became famous he was a very talented footballer. His speciality was scoring amazing goals from free kicks. he wasn't well-known only for his football skills. He became even more famous when he married a pop star —Victoria, one of the Spice Girls. And another reason for his fame was his good looks and his style. I think almost every boy in the world wanted to have a David Beckham haircut! I know I did.

I adored him asa boy l was mad about football and he was my hero. The reason I still like him is that his fame he behaves like a normal guy. I heard a story from someone car was broken down in the middle of the countryside. And then a car stopped and a man got out and asked him if he needed a push. It was David Beckham!

04. Now, it is your turn to do the Part 2 task. Read the card again and complete the set of notes below. Try to do this in 60 seconds.

Describe a famous person who you like or admire.

You should say:

  • who they are
  • why they are famous
  • where and when you saw them

and explain why you like this person.



Why famous?



Why like? Reasons




05. Using your notes, do the Part 2 task with a partner. You should each try to talk for two minutes. When your partner is speaking, listen to your partner's talk and make notes of any useful phrases you hear

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