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Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 08: Natural World)

06. Phrases 1-7 are useful in an essay. What can you use them for? Match the phrases 1-7 with their function a-g.

1. In this essay I will ...

2. ln my view, ...

3. Another reason for ...

4. On the other hand, ...

5. For instance, ...

6. It is clear that ...

7. To conclude, ...

a. to introduce the opposite view

b. to introduce a main point

c. to begin your final paragraph

d. to introduce an opinion

e. to introduce an example

f. to explain your plan

g. to introduce a similar point 

07. Read this essay title and spend two minutes noting down any ideas you have on the topic.

Many wild animals have become endangered. Why has this happened?
What can governments do to stop this from continuing to happen?

08. Read the essay and answer the questions below.

Some questions have two parts to them. Your essay must answer both parts. Your two main paragraphs should answer one part of the question each.

Many species of wild animal are now endangered. For example, the number of black rhinos has declined from over 65,000 in the 1960s to just 2,500 today. Sea animals like some types of whale are also at risk. In this essay I will look at some of the causes of this situation. I will then move on to consider what governments can do to deal with this problem.

It is clear that animals are dying out because of human activity. People have hunted animals for sport or for their fur, horns or other body parts. For instance, they hunted tigers for their bones, which were used for medicines. Another reason for species to become extinct is that humans have destroyed their natural habitats. One example of this is gorillas in the rainforests, which are now endangered. Finally, pollution from industry has created problems for many sea creatures.

Governments can help in several ways. First of all they need to make strong laws and give punishments to those who hunt illegally. Next, they need education programmes in schools and on television to help everyone understand the problem. Finally, governments should invest in renewable and clean energy sources such as solar and wind power. So, in conclusion, we can say that hunting and damage to the environment are the main threats that animals face. Governments should use the law, education and clean energy to improve the situation. Everyone must work together to save endangered animals.

1. Complete the chart with the main points of the essay.

The causes

Government actions

i. hunting for sport or body parts laws/punishments

2. What are the causes and government actions that are mentioned in the conclusion?

3. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option.

The conclusion ends with a


09. According to the model essay above, how have past human actions affected animals today? Complete the list.

1. People have hunted animals for sport or for their body parts.



10. Find the present perfect sentence in the introduction to the model essay above.

Introductions often contain a sentence or two in the present perfect tense. Showing how the past has affected the present is often a good way to introduce the topic.

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