Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 08: Natural World)

06.  Read the notes about the mountain gorilla.

Comes from Central Africa

Lives in mountain forests
Builds a nest on the

Has a thick coat of fur
Older males have a coloured coat
Younger males are called

Eats plants, including leaves, fruit an flowers
Plants provide the they require

People are destroying the environment where the gorillas live

07. Look at the gaps 1-5 in the notes in exercise 6. What kind of word do you have to listen for? Match gaps 1-5 with a-e below.






a. a colour

b. something gorillas need to eat or drink

c. something bad for gorillas

d. a name

e. the name of a place 

08. Listen to a talk about mountain gorillas and write the signposting phrases in exercise 5 when you hear them.

09. Listen again and complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 

The speaker will mention some possible answers but only one is correct in each case. It is important to listen carefully for the information you need for each space. Use the headings and the notes to help you.

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