Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 04: Travel And Transport)

Two other aspects you must take into consideration in the exam are coherence and cohesion:

Coherence - Is it easy to understand? Are your ideas organised in a logical way?

Cohesion -Are your ideas connected together well?

07. Study these two maps which show how Mumbai has changed.

08. Read these sentences which compare the two maps.

1. These two maps show that, since 1845, Mumbai has changed considerably.

2. There are railway lines which run through the central area, as do many major roads.

3. One feature which has remained the same, however, is the names given to the areas of Mumbai.

4. In particular, it has many facilities such as hotels, cinemas, churches and hospitals.

5. There is also a harbour, located to the east of Mazagaon.

6. Looking at the map of Mumbai today, we can see it is now a highly developed area with lots of facilities.

7. Overall, therefore, these two maps clearly illustrate that this area has changed significantly since the 1800s.

8. Furthermore, there are also several transport links which now connect this area together.

9. Before 1845, Mumbai was made up of seven different islands, as opposed to the one mainland which exists today.

10. For example, the south part of the city is called Colaba after the original island, while the north part is called Worli and Parel, and the east part Mazagaon.

09. At the moment, the order of the sentences in exercise 8 is not coherent or logical, making the meaning difficult for the reader to understand. Put the sentences in a logical order by answering these questions.

1. Which sentences would you put in the introduction?

2. Which sentences would you put in the first paragraph, describing what has changed?

3. Which sentences would you put in the second paragraph, describing what has remained the same?

4. Which sentences would you put in the summary at the end?

In order to make a text read well, you need to use 'cohesive devices'.

These are words or short phrases which help guide the reader through your writing by linking sentences andparagraphs. Good use of these devices will make what you have written easy to follow. Without them, your writing may be difficult to read, with too many short sentences.

10. Look at how the devices in this table are used in the sentences in exercise 8.

Adding an idea



furthermore, also

as do in particular as opposed to overall

11. This box contains more words and short phrases which help to link your ideas together. Write the words in the correct column in the table (Exercise 11).

in addition moreover in comparison similarly in conclusion to conclude in contrast to summarise particularly what is more

12. Complete the sentences with words from the box. More than one answer may be possible.

1. Fifty years ago there weren't any main roads in this town, to the developed area, which can be seen today.

2. The maps illustrate how the school has developed over the last five years. There is now a computer lab and extra classrooms have been built.

3. , both maps show how the facilities in the park have improved over the last year.

4. The south end of the island has changed the most, the residential area, which has increased dramatically in size.

5. The first map shows that the area has many shops and restaurants; , the second map features a large area used for leisure.

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