Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 07: Education Systems)

  • generate ideas about a topic and express your opinion clearly
  • organise your essay in a logical order
  • proofread your writing effectively.

Many of the Writing Part 2 tasks require you to give your opinion. In order to prepare for this type of task, it is a good idea to practise generating ideas about different topics by having debates with classmates or friends

01. Using some of the expressions in the box, discuss questions 1-7 with a partner.

For me,...
In my view,...
I think I believe ...
Personally, I think ...
In my experience,...
To my mind,...
In my opinion,...

1. Are maths and science more important than the arts?

2. Should students be punished for arriving late at school?

3. Should all schoolchildren be required to wear a uniform?

4. Is homework necessary?

5. Should mobile phones be allowed in the classroom?

6. Is going to university the best way to get a good job?

7. Many students choose to take a 'gap year' to travel or work before going to university. Is this a waste of time?

02. Discuss this question with your partner.

Which of the expressions in the box are suitable only for spoken, not written English?

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