Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 07: Education Systems)

You should study the way that should, must and have to are used and try to include them in your responses.

08. Speaking Part 3questions often ask you to make suggestions or recommendations. Make some suggestions about your country's education system by completing these sentences.

1. In order to improve our education system, the government should

2. Teachers should to improve their students' grades.

3. Students must to improve their chances of getting a job after graduation.

4. Parents have to with teachers to help their children do better at school.

5. Our country must in order to compete internationally.

09. For each sentence in exercise 8, give a reason for your answer. This may include some causes and effects.

10. Your class is going to make a 'time capsule' that will be opened in the year 3000. You can include only TEN items in the capsule. In small groups, decide which items you will include, and justify your selection. To do this, try to give reasons, causes, effects and suggestions. Use the table to help you.




11. Once your group has decided on TEN items, present your list to the class, giving reasons, causes, effects and suggestions. Your class now has to decide on the final TEN items to be selected.

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