Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 08: Festivals And Traditions)

Before you listen. look at each sentence and underline the key words and phrases to help you focus on listening for the correct words.

Listen to Dr Saunders’ review of the festival and complete the sentences in the summary. Write up to TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER in each gap.

  • At 12,500, visitors were up by 10% on the previous year.
  • The event was the most popular with many different entries and high levels of attendance.
  • One of the main musical attractions had to call off through illness and a replacement could not be found in time, so money had to be returned to the customers.
  • The crafts exhibition was despite the variety and quality of crafts on display, so it needs to be reviewed.
  • Although there was good security present, , which were worth about £3,000, were Stolen so there is a need for better security in future.
  • There were some complaints about accommodation because many visitors booked it very late. Unfortunately, the extra accommodation which was supplied was of a .
  • More volunteers are needed as some visitors did not get enough information.
  • A lot of money was spent on to work with the volunteers but they were possibly not worth the money, so suggestions for reducing costs in that area are welcome.
  • The programme needs to be updated and there needs to be more , such as advertising and sponsorship, from local companies for the next festival.

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