Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 08: Festivals And Traditions)

In Speaking Part 3, you should try to consider both sides of an argument. You can do this by using words such as although, even though and while to add information about one side of the argument, then adding information about the other side. For example:

Although many people still celebrate Valentine's Day each year, it is possible that they focus too much on presents.
Even though preparing for the carnival takes a lot of time, it is an important part of our culture.
While the Battle of the Oranges is supposed to be fun, it leaves a lot of mess for people to clean up!
When we present both sides of the argument using these words, it is called 'concession'.

You can also make concessions with sentence openers such as:

The problem is,

The trouble is,

The thing is,

The disadvantage of that is,

On the other hand,

With a partner, consider one positive and one negative statement about a festival you have attended. Then make a positive and negative statement about a festival you would like to attend. Make a balanced argument using a concession for each one. Use the pictures and those here to help you.

Although the 'Battle of the Oranges gets very messy, it's such a colourful experience

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