Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 01: Urban And Rural Life)

  • deal with matching headings tasks
  • identify the main idea of a paragraph
  • understand the meaning of prefixes. 

01. Read the paragraph below about the island of Mallorca. With a partner, discuss why some of the underlined nouns are preceded by the, and others have no article. Do you know any other article rules for geographical features?

, the biggest of , is situated in , some 300km from of , and is an exciting mix of urban energy, rural adventure and coastal calm. Although it isn't popular with as a tourist destination, it annually welcomes people from all over (particularly from , France and ), who may head for , or go hiking in , a mountain range that runs from to of the island. The busy capital city, , contrasts entirely with the traditional rural towns and villages in the heart of the island, such as or .

individual islands:
names of most countries:
names of beaches:
names of cities/towns/regions:
names of mountains:

groups of islands:
coastal areas:
oceans and seas:
countries which are Republics, Kingdoms or Unions:
mountain ranges:
geographical areas:

lakes (no article, usually begins with the word Lake):
rivers (definite article before name of river.Capitalise the word 'river' or it can be omitted):

02. Think of a geographical area in your country and write a short paragraph like the one above, paying special attention to the correct use of articles. Swap your paragraph with a partner and correct each other's work where necessary. 

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