Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 01: Urban And Rural Life)

This type of task requires you to choose a heading which correctly summarises the whole paragraph. Often, it is possible to find one sentence in a paragraph which conveys the main idea - this is known as the topic sentence. The topic sentence can frequently be found at the start of the paragraph, but can appear in the middle, or even at the end. Sometimes a paragraph may not have one single, clear topic sentence at all, and the main idea can only be understood by reading the paragraph in full.

03. Look at this title and discuss with a partner what you might expect to read in the passage.

04. Read the first sentence of a paragraph about the city of Auroville, India. It is the topic sentence. Which of the three options seems to be the most likely heading? Why?

A. The reason why attempts to create the perfect city always fail
B. An urban ideal designed for an imperfect world
C. A conflict between reality and imitation



The heading you want will probably not use the same words as those which appear in the paragraph, but will paraphrase the ideas

05. Read the full paragraph and check your answer.

Be careful: sometimes the first sentence of a paragraph seems to fit entirely with one particular heading. However, don't be caught out - you still need to check by reading the whole paragraph.

06. Read this opening sentence about Longyearbyen. Which heading seems to fit this sentence best?

A. An unwelcoming place to die
B. A city at the top of the world
C. An unusual approach to regulation

07. Now read the full paragraph and think about the overall message of the paragraph. Which heading (in exercise 6) now best fits the paragraph?



08. Write the main topic sentence in the paragraph.

09. Read the first sentence of the next paragraph about Marloth Park in South Africa. Find words or phrases that correspond to the underlined words in the headings A-C below.

A. An unusual approach to
B. Dealing with the occasional
C. Where cautiously

A. regulation =

B. dangers of the wild =


humans and animals =

co-exist =

Pay particular attention to adjectives and adverbs in headings and texts, as they may help you to eliminate an incorrect heading immediately

10. Now focus on the adverbs and adjectives in the headings. Which heading is no longer a possible answer?



A. An approach to regulation
B. Dealing with the dangers of the wild
C. Where humans and animals co-exist

11. Read the rest of the paragraph and decide on your answer.

12. Identify the main topic sentence in the paragraph.

13. Some paragraphs have no clear topic sentence. Read this paragraph and make notes about its main idea.

* United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

14. Use your notes to help you choose the correct heading.

A. A conflict between reality and imitation
B. The importance of official recognition
C. The result of encouraging wider investment

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