Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 01: Urban And Rural Life)

Section 1 is the least difficult of the four parts of the Listening test and is often a form completion task. If you are aiming for a high score, it is important that you listen carefully from the first moment you hear somebody speak and try to get all ten marks for Section 1. After all, each question carries one mark, which is exactly the same as the later, more difficult sections.

06. Look at the booking form. With a partner, consider what kind of information you expect to hear for each question.

You will hear an employee at the Museum of London Life taking a booking.
Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSAND/ORA NUMBER for each answer.


See how Londoners lived from Prehistoric times through to the 22nd century. Name: Address: Road, London, Telephone: Discounts: 4+ people: 10% 10+ people: % Students: % Students: 20% for groups of at least people Price for entry: £ Special exhibition: London Date of visit: July

07. Listen and complete the form.

If you know the conventions for expressing information in English, you will avoid making a mistake with your answer. Make sure you practise:

  • numbers (money, dates, years, telephone numbers)
  • spelling of names (people, places, addresses, including email addresses), paying special attention to letters which represent problem sounds for your language

08. For each piece of information in the questions, which of the options would you NOT hear?

A. four,one,oh [pause] two,double six
B. four,one,zero,two [pause] two sixes
C. four,one,zero,[pause] two,six,six

A. eighteen century
B. the eighteenth century
C. century eighteen

A. two zero twelve
B. two thousand and twelve
C. twenty twelve

A. July the twentieth,nineteen seventy-six
B. twenty,seven,seventy-six
C. twentieth of seven of seventy-six

A. B-A-K-E-R,hyphen,J-0-N-E-S
B. B-A-K-E-R,line,J-0-N-E-S
C. B-A-K-E-R,dash,J-0-N-E-S

A. five pounds forty pence
B. five forty
C. five forty pence

A. museum info (one word) at history point org
B. museum info (one word) at history full stop org
C. museum info (one word) at history dot org

A. nine A-M
B. oh-nine A-M
C. nine in the morning

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