Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 01: Urban And Rural Life)

12. Look at the sentences. With a partner, divide each sentence into two clauses and decide which part needs to happen first for the second to be the result (i.e. which part is the condition, which is the result).

1. I'll book tickets for that as well today, provided there is something special that I'm particularly interested in.



2. You'll get your tickets fine, as long as you can produce the payment card you bought the tickets with.



3. Once we leave the part of the exhibition called 'Contemporary London', we will move into the 22nd century.



4. Unless something dramatic happens, I should be working here for a long time. 



13. Write each future time word or phrase in exercise 12 that indicates the condition. Which of those words or phrases could be replaced by 'if' with no change to the meaning of the sentence? 

1.       2.        3.        4.

14. Choose the correct answers from each pair of options to complete the rule.

Future time conditionals follow the same structure as the first/ second conditional:
If+ present/ past simple, .../ ... will/ would+ 'to' infinitive/ bare infinitive 

Future time conditionals follow the same structure as the first conditional:
If+ present simple ... / ... will+ bare infinitive.
Note that all present tenses are possible in the If clause, although the present simple is the most commonly used. In the result clause, instead of will we can use be going to and other modal verbs such as can, should and must. We can also use an imperative in the result clause. 

15. Imagine you are a tour guide taking tourists to a museum. Complete the statements to make sentences you might say to your tourists.

1. You can get a discounted ticket as long as

2. Once everybody has bought their ticket,

3. You won't get lost provided

4. Now everybody is free to explore the museum.You can go wherever you like as long as

5. Your bus back to the hotel will depart as soon as

6. Do not touch or take photos of the exhibits unless


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