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ETS - TOEIC 2019 - Listening (Test 1)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Why is the woman calling?

33. According to the man, what has recently changed?

34. What does the man agree to do?

35. What is the topic of the conversation?

36. What caused a problem?

37. What will the listeners hear next?

38. What does the woman notify the man about?

39. According to the woman. what recently happened in her department?

40. What does the man say he will do next?

41. What does the man want to do?

42. What is the man asked to choose?

43. What does the woman suggest doing?

44. What does the man offer to do?

45. According to the man. what happened last week?

46. Why does the woman say, "a piece of hardware had to be custom made“?

 47. What product are the speakers discussing?

48. What does Donna suggest?

49. What does the man propose?

50. Who most likely is the man?

51. What does the woman ask the man for?

52. What will the man receive?

 53. What type of product is being discussed?

54. Which product feature is the man most proud of?

55. Why does the men say, “my favorite singer is performing that night"?

56. What type of event is being planned?

57. What does the man ask about?

58. What does the hotel offer for free?

59. What problem does the man mention?

60. Where are the speakers?

61. What does the woman suggest the man do?

62. What is the man having trouble with?

63. Look at the graphic. Which code should the man use?

64. What does the women say will happen soon?

65. What does the women say they will need to do?

66. What does the man suggest?

67. Look at the graphic. Which section of the label will the men need to revise?

68. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

69. Look at the graphic. Which building is Silverby Industries located in?

70. What does the woman tell the man about parking?

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