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ETS - TOEIC 2019 - Listening (Test 1)


Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. What type of business is being advertised?

72. What will the listeners be able to do starting in April?

73. Why does the speaker invite the listeners to visit a Web site?

74. Why does the speaker thank the listeners?

75. According to the speaker. what is scheduled for next month?

76. What does the speaker imply when she says. ”it's a large space"?

77. According to the speaker. what is special about the restaurant?

78. Who is Natasha?

79. Why does the speaker say. “I eat it all the time”?

80. Where is the announcement being made?

81. What problem does the speaker mention?

82. According to the speaker, why should the listeners talk with a staff member?

83. Who is the speaker?

84. What does the company sell?

85. What does the speaker imply when she says, “all | see are houses"?

86. What is the talk mainly about?

87. Why did the company choose the product?

88. What does the speaker say is offered with the product?

89. What does the speaker say has recently been announced?

90. According to the speaker. why do some people dislike a construction project?

91. What will the speaker do next?

92. What does the speaker thank the listeners?

93. In which division do the listeners most likely work?

94. What does the speaker say he will provide?

95. What event is being described?

96. According to the speaker. what can the listeners find on a Web site?

97. Look at the graphic. Which day is the event?
being held?

98. What is the purpose of the call?

99. Look at the graphic. Who is the speaker calling?

100.What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

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