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ETS - TOEIC 2019 - Reading (Test 1)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following text message.

Chakia Brown [3:32 P.M.]

Hi, Ziva. I just met with the Han board of directors, and they're interested in our redesign proposal for their downtown office buildings. Amy Han asked for another work sample, but I didn't have the right portfolio with me. I'm heading to another meeting, so please have a messenger deliver a copy of the Grainger Centre files to her. Include the full set of plans. Thanks!

147. Where does Ms. Brown most likely work?

148. What is Ziva asked to do?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following email.

To: Oak Lane Fashion cashiers
From: Jane Benson
Date: July 8
Subject: Update

Beginning August 1, Oak Lane Fashion will only accept returns or exchanges of unworn and undamaged clothing that has the original receipt.

This information will be posted at all checkout counters by next week. We will also send an e-mail to our existing customers so that they are aware of the new rule. If a customer wishes to make a return without a receipt, please call the manager on duty for assistance. Thanks for your help.

Jane Benson
Director of Operations

149. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

150. According to the e-mail, what will managers do?

Questions 151- 152 refer to the following web page.


Carmont Media's Culture

Home | Programs | Services | About Us | Contact Us

At Carmont Media, our work culture is mission driven. We hire people who share a common goal of enriching listeners' minds through engaging and truthful news stories. We also actively recruit a diverse staff to reflect our Trinidadian and Tobagonian audiences. Carmont Media's diversity contributes to its Star teams. These teams, composed of workers from all levels of the organization, meet regularly to hold brainstorming sessions aimed at improving efficiency and productivity. Carmont Media offers opportunities for professional advancement and encourages work-life balance.

151. What is mentioned about Carmont Media’s employees?

152. What is a purpose of Carmont Media’s star teams?

Questions 153 - 154 refer to the following text-message chain.

Louisa Santos 9:30A.M.

Kenji, where are you? The job candidates are here.

Kenji Muro 9:31A.M.

Sorry! The bridge is closed. My bus had to take a detour. I should be there in 30 minutes. Please start without me.

Louisa Santos 9:34A.M.

OK. I'm going to interview Elena Crenshaw first.

Kenji Muro 9:34A.M.

Good. She's the one with experience at another T-shirt company.

Louisa Santos 9:35A.M.

Yes. Can you believe our small company has grown so much that we need to hire someone just to process orders?

Kenji Muro 9:36A.M.

I know! OK. I'll see you soon.

153. What does Mr. Muro want Ms. Santos to do?

154. At 9:36 A.M., what does Mr. Muro mean when he writes, “I know”?

Questions 155 - 157 refer to the following article from company newsletter.

Mark Chandler is Back!

The Administrative Services Division welcomes back to headquarters Associate Director Mark Chandler. - [1]-. Mark spent the last month in Ottawa attending an advanced training session about corporate information security. Corporate-security training allows a company to safeguard its sensitive, confidential, and proprietary information.

Mark is among a growing number of corporate executives who have successfully graduated from this rigorous course. - [2]- . A member of the National Organization of Corporate Security Officers (NOCSO), Mark was formally recognized by the organization for his part in developing software that keeps electronic documents safe. - [3]-. Well done, Mark! - [4] - .

155. What is the purpose of the article?

156. How did Mr. Chandler improve corporate security?

157. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“The training included 60 hours of instruction and a comprehensive written exam."

Questions 158 - 160 refer to the following card.

Congratulations on purchasing Megagroome, the world's finest rechargeable shaver! To keep your shaver in top condition, clean your shaver weekly by running it under hot water. Once a month, disassemble the shaver and clean the internal portion thoroughly as shown in the owner's manual. The shaving heads should be replaced every year with the replacement parts listed in the manual.

The Megagroome shaver has a lithium ion battery that should last for several years. Please charge the shaver as often as needed. It is not necessary to fully discharge the battery before recharging it. Use only the included charger, because use of any other charger may void the warranty. Complete instructions and details can be found in the owner's manual.


158. Where would the card most likely be found?

159. How often should the shaver be taken apart?

160. What is indicated about the shaver’s battery?

Questions 161 - 163 refer to the following web page.


A Museum of Cross-Cultural History and Artifacts
We are proud to announce our newest exhibit: South American Art.

The exhibit will open on 7 June as part of the museum's ongoing Arts Around the World programme. All museum patrons who have paid the museum entrance fee may view the exhibit. It will feature historical and contemporary artwork displays from renowned South American artists.

The curator of the six-week exhibition, Julio Carrera, will bring his vast expertise to the museum. Before joining the museum's management in March of this year, Mr. Carrera was the curator for the Brazilian Institute of the Arts for six years and spent three years studying ancient artifacts for the Centro de Ia Historia del Arte, an art preservation centre in Venezuela.

The South American Art exhibit will include paintings, sculptures, crafting tools, clothing, jewellery, murals, and clay pottery from six South American countries. Visiting artists from these countries will provide art workshops on select dates in July. The cost for each workshop is £10 in addition to the regular admission fee and includes basic art supplies.

161. What is indicated about the South American Art exhibit?

162. Who is Mr. Carrera?

163. According to the Web page, what can museum patrons do for an extra fee?

Questions 164 - 167 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Oliver Koh (10:15 A.M.)

Hi, Aaron and Denise. Do you know if a package has arrived for me? I was supposed to get a delivery of some documents today, but maybe they were sent to someone else by mistake. It's from Schrantz Farm Organics and should be labeled urgent.

Aaron Koskinen (10:17 A.M.)

There's nothing for you here at the front desk. You might want to check with the print shop on the ground floor.

Denise Matova (10:18 A.M.)

There's a package from Schrantz Farm Organics here in the mail room, but there's no name on it.

Oliver Koh (10:18 A.M.)

That must be the one for me. Could you please look at the delivery slip again?

Denise Matova (10:19 A.M.)

Sorry, it does have your name on it. It was so small I didn 't notice it.

Oliver Koh (10:20 A.M.)

Great! Could you have the package sent up to my office please?

Denise Matova (10:20 A.M.)

No problem. I'm going upstairs in a minute anyway.

Oliver Koh (10:21 A.M.)

OK, thanks for your help.

164. Why did Mr. Koh start the online chat discussion?

165. What does Mr. Koskinen recommend doing?

166. At 10:19 A.M., what does Ms. Matova most likely mean when she writes, “Sorry”?

167. What will Ms. Matova probably do with the package?

Questions 168 - 171 refer to the following email.

From: Won Ho Kim
To: Management Team
Date: 12 August
Subject: Improving employee satisfaction

Management Team:

- [1] -. Over the next few months, the Human Resources department will be engaging with the Management Team in a variety of conversations about increasing productivity and employee satisfaction. - [2] -.

Telecommuting, in which employees are permitted to work from home all or part of the time, is an approach that many companies are using because it allows employees to work on tasks that may be difficult to complete in an office full of disruptions. With the building reconfiguration project coming up in January, we would like to take the opportunity to consider whether telecommuting would be a good solution for our company. Our fin al decision on this matter will influence the way in which the work space is reorganized.

I am writing to ask for your feedback. - [3] -. At this point, Human Resources is simply gathering information. Please complete the telecommuting survey, which is found on the Human Resources Web site.- [4] -. Just look for the link on the left side of the home page.

Thank you in advance, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Won Ho Kim
Human Resources Manager
GHTY Engineering, Inc.

168. Why was the e-mail sent?

169. What is mentioned as a benefit of telecommuting?

170. What is the company planning to do in the new year?

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“It should be noted that no decisions about telecommuting have been made.”

Questions 172 - 175 refer to the following events.

The Uppsala International Book Fair
22-24 September • Berglund Conference Hall • Uppsala, Sweden

Schedule for Friday, 22 September

Outthinking Public Opinion | 12:00 noon-1:00 P.M., Salon A

Touring to promote his latest book, Outthinking Public Opinion, author Damian Schnauz makes a stop at the Uppsala International Book Fair to discuss his latest subject, take questions, and sign his books.

Introductory Course in Graphic Design | 1:30-2:30 P.M., Visual Media Centre

Professional digital designers Allen Doubek and Ivanette Lacasse will present useful techniques and provide attendees with hands-on practice opportunities.

Seminar on Online Publishing | 3:00-4:30 P.M., Lindqvist Auditorium

Releasing and promoting e-books and audiobooks on the Internet. Speakers: Kenneth Pulaski, editor-in-chief ofVendler Publishing, and Tina Savona, marketing manager at Vendler Publishing. All accompanying materials will be sold at the venue immediately before and after the seminar.

Readership in the Digital Age | 5:00-6:30 P.M., Room 210

Is literacy promoted or inhibited by digital media? Debate moderated by Greg Gunnarson.

  • To attend these or any other sessions, purchase a daily admission ticket for 100 kr.
  • Note that reservations are not required for any session, but seating is limited, so please arrive a few minutes before the scheduled time to ensure a seat. Also note that while photos are permitted, no video recordings may be made of any presentation.
  • Meals are available for purchase at locations throughout Berglund Conference Hall. Information about accommodations may be obtained on our Web site at uibf.se/hotels.

172. What is suggested about the first day of the Uppsala International Book Fair?

173. Where will book fair attendees be able to participate in interactive activities?

174. What is mentioned about the accompanying materials for the seminar?

175. What are book fair attendees encouraged to do?

Questions 176 - 180 refer to the following email.

http://wvvw.mountainandforest.ca/ custserv/shippinginfo

Clothing | Gear | Customer Service | About Us

Mountain and Forest Company
The Leader in Quality Camping and Hiking Gear

Please note that most regular electronic or phone orders can be processed and made ready for shipping almost immediately. Custom and personalized orders may take up to five days for processing before they are shipped.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our customer service department at service@mountainandforest.ca. We will respond within 24 hours.

Our shipping rates:

Order cost with tax Overnight shipping (1 day) Express shipping (3 days) Standard (6-8 days)
Under $25 $8 $5 $3
$25 to $100 $13 $7 $5
Over $100 $18 $15 FREE

To: service@mountainandforest.ca
From: jinheeshin@sharemail.ca
Date: 10 January
Subject: Order B75022

I recently placed an order for $135 for hiking boots and a thermal jacket intended for a camping trip this weekend. According to the confirmation I received at the time of my purchase, my order should have arrived yesterday. Since I paid an additional fee for three-day has not, I shipping, am requesting I was a expecting refund of that the shipping my order cost. would Additionally, arrive in a if timely my order fashion. hasAs not it ! been delivered by tomorrow, please cancel my order as I will have to purchase similar items at a local shop.


Jin-Hee Shin

176. In the Web page, what is indicated about Mountain and Forest’s shipping?

177. In the Web page, the word “direct” in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to

178. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

179. How much did Ms. Shin pay for shipping?

180. According to the e-mail, why might Ms. Shin decide to visit a local shop?

Questions 181 - 185 refer to the following email.

Society for Trade and Industry (STI)
"The Role of Distance Education in Professional Training"
City University of Abu Dhabi, 11-13 October

DRAFT: Schedule for Wednesday, 11 October

7:30 A.M. - 9:00A.M. Conference Registration
9:00 A.M. - 9:10A.M. Welcome and Opening Remarks: Yasmin AI Gaood, Conference Chair
9:15 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Opening Keynote Address: Ayurni Murakami, STI President
10:05 A.M. - 10:50 A.M. Title of presentation unknown: representative to be selected, Yaounde College of Agriculture, Cameroon
10:55 A.M. - 11:40 A.M. Innovative Online Resources: Chia Po Cheng, Taipei Business Management Institute, Taiwan
11:45 A.M. - 1:20 P.M. Lunch (Turquoise Center, central campus)
1:30 P.M. - 2:15P.M. Distance Education in the Film Industry: representative from Scotland to be selected
2:20 P.M. - 3:05P.M. Improving Course Content Quality: Andrei Durchenko, Moscow Journalism Academy, Russia
3:10 P.M. - 4:00P.M. Learner Support Systems: Marcel Peralta, School of Pediatric Dentistry, Asuncion, Paraguay
From: Ayumi Murakami <amurakami@ sti.org>
To: Yasmin Al Gaood <yasmin.algaood@cuad.ac.ae>
Subject: Re: Draft conference schedule for Wednesday
Date: 25 August

Hello, Yasmin,

As per your request, I have filled the slots that were listed as still available on the tentative conference schedule for Wednesday. Dr. Alban Buchanan in Scotland says that he is eager to talk about distance education as it is practiced within the film academies in his country. Also, my contact in Yaounde wrote to let me know that Ms. Marie-Therese Tchangou will be the school's representative.

Mr. Andrei Durchenko has informed me that he is withdrawing from the conference. His replacement from the same school, Ms. Melina Vakhitova, will submit the title of her presentation shortly.

I also wanted to add that I will be arriving in Abu Dhabi at 6:00A.M. on Wednesday. That should give me plenty of time to set up for my presentation.



181. What is indicated about Ms. Murakami?

182. When will a specialist in business management be speaking?

183. In the e-mail, in paragraph 1, line 1, the word “slots” is closest in meaning to

184. What presentation will have to be canceled?

185. According to the e-mail, what information is Ms. Murakami expecting to receive?

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the following email, list, and article.

From: mstoch@ hesidionclinic.com
To: lstawinski @nostilde.com
Date: March 20
Subject: Hesidion Clinic's Health Awareness Day

Dear Ms. Stawinski,

In appreciation of your loyalty as a long-time patient of Hesidion Clinic, we are pleased to invite you to our clinic's Health Awareness Day to be held at the clinic on Saturday, April 10. We would be delighted to see you attend, as we will offer a number of activities designed to promote health awareness in our community. If you sign up for this special event by responding to this e-mail by March 31, you will receive a code to present at the clinic for a surprise benefit.

Martin Stoch, Communications Director, Hesidion Clinic

Hesidion Clinic Health Awareness Day, AprillO Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Communications: Martin Stoch
  • Advertising: Adilene Walker
  • Presentations: Jillion Opala (Nutrition), Lance Verhoeven (Fitness)
  • Kids' Health Game: Susan Hayashi
  • Health Checkups/Talks: Anne Spillane, Rami AI-Araj, Kurt Yin, Thierry Daumas

Health Day at Hesidion Clinic

by Shai Herzog on April 14

Hesidion Clinic hosted a successful Health Awareness Day this past Saturday. The event was held as a way to thank the community for supporting the clinic over the past 15 years. It was well attended by both Hesidion Clinic patients and members of the general public.

Attendees participated in a variety of presentations and everyone received free water bottles, notepads, and other items from event sponsors. Participants who provided a special code were offered a complimentary physical checkup from the team of clinic physicians.

During the event, a sizable line formed at Dr. Thierry Daumas' table. "I came out today to learn about skin care and advances in eye-care technology. But Dr. Daumas' talk about how to prevent cavities and improve oral health provided me with the most helpful information," said attendee Liana Stawinski. By far the most popular event was nutritionist Jillian Opala's presentation on healthy eating habits. More than 100 people, many of them retirees, flocked to hear the latest on super foods. The event took nearly twice as long as expected, as Ms. Opala answered a steady stream of participant questions.

Children were delighted to take part in a health contest involving questions about general health and hygiene. The winners received toys and certificates from the game host. The day was such a success that Hesidion Clinic director, Lance Verhoeven, is already considering making it an annual event.

186. What is Ms. Stawinski encouraged to do?

187. How did some attendees get a free health checkup?

188. What does Dr. Daumas most likely specialize in?

189. What is indicated about the presentation on food?

190. Who most likely distributed certificates?

Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following brochure, review, and email.


The Singapore Business School (SBS) is located in the heart of Singapore's financial district. We offer a range of high-quality courses aimed at preparing students for graduate school. Between classroom sessions you can explore the city and cultivate business connections. We offer content-based classes, such as finance, economics, and international marketing, as well as classes on preparing graduate school applications, including developing CVs and writing personal statements.

We have helped thousands of students gain entry into graduate programmes around the world. We boast a number of high-profile part-time instructors who are experts in their fields, including Diara Rhodes, chief financial officer of Auto Drive Korea, and Farah Wan, vice president of the Kuala Lumpur Union Lenders. For more information about our impressive faculty and course offerings, or to enroll online, visit our Web site at www.sbs.edu.sg.


Home | Classes | Reviews | Contact Us

What Our Students Are Saying

3 June by Atsushi Koshi

I took a finance course at SBS. The school I am now attending in the United Kingdom had a prerequisite that I had not fulfilled while earning my Bachelor's degree, so the eight-week course was convenient. However, I couldn't afford the high rent in the area, so I had to commute, and the traffic in that area is terrible. I wish SBS offered a dormitory for students at the school. The quality of instruction was superb. My lecturer was Diara Rhodes. Though she tended to rush through lectures, discussing a wide range of topics in a small amount of time, I did learn a lot from the reading and from her descriptions of real-world experiences. The way she solved business problems was a source of inspiration during my graduate school interview, and it is also helping me in my current classes.

To: atsushi.koshi @scholarmail.co.uk
From: Isommersell @sbs.edu.sg
Subject: Your review
Date: 15 August

Dear Mr. Koshi,

Thank you for your feedback. You're not the first person to voice this particular concern. Just so you know, we plan on addressing it by following your recommendation. Students who take classes with us starting as early as 1 January will be able to take advantage of this new benefit. Please be sure to mention this to anyone you know who is thinking about taking a class with us.

Kind regards,

Lauri Sommersell

191. Who is the brochure intended for?

192. What is indicated about SBS?

193. What does Mr. Koshi mention about his lecturer?

194. Where does Mr. Koshi’s instructor work when she is not teaching?

195. How will SBS be addressing Mr. Koshi’s complaint?

Questions 196 - 200 refer to the following advertisement, application, and letter.


The Delphine Street Grill is a high-profile restaurant serving New O rleans si nce 1924. We are seeking a line cook to prepare select sauteed items and sauces under the supervision of the executive chef. The ideal candidate will have at least one year of related cook ing experience or wi ll have completed a two-year apprenticeship in a well-established restaurant. Demonstrated ability to prepare innovative dishes as well as classic Cajun-style cu isine is required. To apply, go to www.delph inestreetgrill.com/careers.

www.delphinestreetgrill.com/careers/ line_cook/apply

Name: Anton Hoang
E-mail: antonh94@textmail.com
Phone: 504.555.0177

Related education: Associates degree in culinary arts, Boudreau Community College

Current employer/title: River Ferry Cafe, Line Cook Time employed: Six months
Previous employer/title: Hotel Lenoir, Apprentice Time employed: Two years
Previous employer/title: Picard Seafood, Intern Time employed: Three months

Resume: ☒ Attached
Reference list: ☒ Attached

Cover letter:
I am very interested in the position of line cook at the Delphine Street Grill. For the past six months, I have been the line cook for a cafe serving traditional Cajun meals. Since the cafe has only recently been opened, I am responsible for preparing nearly all menu items. I completed my apprenticeship at the famous Hotel Lenoir, working side-by-side with Celebrity Chef Eugenie Mirone. In addition, as Ted Overbeck (my mentor and instructor at Boudreau Community College) can confirm, I am able to develop creative new recipes. In fact, while at the college, I was awarded the Excellence in Innovation Prize for a Vietnamese-style sandwich recipe I crafted, which is now on the menu at the college's cafeteria.

School of Culinary Arts

Marie Beaumont
Delphine Street Grill
3248 Delphine Street
New Orleans, LA 70117

Dear Ms. Beaumont:

I am writing in regard to Anton Hoang's application for employment. Since Mr. Overbeck is on leave this semester, he asked me to respond in his place. Mr. Hoang, who graduated in the top five of his class, demonstrated exceptional culinary skill and a strong desire to learn. He received a glowing review from Sabine Riou, the renowned chef who supervised his three-month internship. I am confident Mr. Hoang will be a valuable asset to your establishment.


Liz Flores
Associate Director of Culinary Arts

196. What is indicated about the line cook position?

197. What is true about Mr. Hoang?

198. Who is Mr. Overbeck?

199. What is suggested about Boudreau Community College?

200. Where does Ms. Riou most likely work?

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