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ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Listening (Test 10)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Where does the woman say she wants to go?

33. Who most likely is the man?

34. Why will the woman return home late?

35. Where do the speakers most likely work?

36. What does the woman say she will review?

37. What does the man hope to do this afternoon?

38. Who most likely is the man?

39. Why is Sameera unable to attend a meeting?

40. What does the woman say the man should do before a meeting?

41. Where do the speakers work?

42. Why does the man say. "Coffee shops need a lot of tables and chairs"?

43. What will the woman do next?

44. Why does the man apologize?

45. What is the man’s job?

46. Where does the woman direct the man to go?

47. Where do the speakers most likely work?

48. Why does the women say. "We've already sold out"?

49. According to the woman, why is a product popular?

50. Why are the men at the store?

51. What hobby is mentioned?

52. What does the woman recommend?

53. Why are the speakers traveling?

54. What does the men say he will do during the flight?

55. What will the speakers most likely do when they land?

56. Where most likely are the speakers?

57. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

58. What does the women say the men should do?

59. What type of business do the speakers most likely operate?

60. How does the women want to reduce expenses?

61. What is the man concerned about?

62. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

63. What does the men say he will do tomorrow?

64. Look at the graphic. According to the speakers. what will be shipped next?

65. What event are the speakers preparing for?

66. What was the man asked to do?

67. Look at the graphic. Where will the man most likely be working during the event?

68. What does the women say about the clients?

69. What does the man suggest doing?

70. Look at the graphic. Which location will the speakers go to?

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