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ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Reading (Test 10)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following job posting.


Home | Find a Job | Apply

Management Assistant, Property Development Division

Fuhr Realty Ltd. has a need for a full-time management assistant to provide customer service, data entry, and general administrative support associated with our Property Development Division. The individual will respond to requests for information from the public, research and track permits, and assist with maintaining department records. The position requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree and two years of related office experience. Strong computer literacy and excellent written and spoken communication skills are a must.

Applications will be accepted through March 30.

147. What is included in the job posting?

148. What qualification is necessary for the position?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following text-message chain.

Mary Figueredo (10:03 A.M.)

Hi, Ben. Has your team started repairing the fences at the warehouse?

Benjamin Hunter (10:05 A.M.)

Hello, Mary. We'll get to it soon. We had some standing water in the entryway to clean up first.

Mary Figueredo (10:06 A.M.)

Do you think the roof might have sustained some damage during the rainstorm?

Benjamin Hunter (10:08 A.M.)

We actually located the source. It was a clogged drainpipe in the supply closet. As soon as that's cleared up, we'll take care of the fence. The roof seems fine.

Mary Figueredo (10:11 A.M.)

OK, sounds good, Ben. Thank you!

149. What most likely is Mr. Hunter’s profession?

150. At 10:05 a.m., why does Mr. Hunter write, “We’ll get to it soon”?

Questions 151-152 refer to the following notice.

Attention Line 75 Riders

All Metrowestern passengers should be aware of the following temporary changes for bus line 75. Due to construction, service on Eighth Avenue between Taylor Street and Forbes Boulevard will be suspended during the following periods. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Monday, April 5, 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
Wednesday, April 7, 11:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M.
Friday, April 9, 6:30 PM.-1 0:00 P.M.
Saturday, April 10, 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.

As usual, all Metrowestern bus service ends at 11 :30 PM. All buses begin running again at 5:45 A.M. daily.

151. What is the purpose of the notice?

152. According to the notice, when will the bus route be available?

Questions 153-154 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Peter Burstein
From: Calle Nilsson
Subject: Meeting rescheduled
Date: 22 October

Hi Peter,

Next week's meeting needs to be rescheduled. The new office assistant, Martina, did not take into consideration that the clients' offices are located throughout the world and in a variety of time zones. Several would have had to stay after closing time in order to attend the meeting. I have already canceled the original meeting and sent apologies for the inconvenience.

Could you please find time to review this with Martina? This is a task she will be performing regularly. I should have had you work with her before asking her to set up the appointment.

Thank you,

Calle Nilsson, Office Manager
Creatyx of Sweden AB

153. Why did Ms. Nilsson send the e-mail?

154. What was wrong with the original time of the meeting?

Questions 155-157 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Bradley Watkins
From: Aiko Yamashita
Subject: New software
Date: April 4

Bradley, I've come across a new software program that I think will be very useful for creating checklists to organize our projects. - [1] - . It's called Close Project, and it seems fairly easy to work with. - [2] -. Users log in to view a list of items that need to be completed for each project they are working on. - [3] - . This helps to keep better track of the progress of each project. There's even a mobile application that allows users to take photographs to show an actual problem, such as a broken pipe. - [4] -. I've downloaded a sample program. Would you be interested in coming to my office this afternoon to go through it with me? Let me know.


155. Why did Ms. Yamashita send the e-mail to Mr. Watkins?

156. What does Ms. Yamashita ask Mr. Watkins to do?

157. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Then they check ‘Completed’ when each task is finished.”

Questions 158-160 refer to the following announcement.

Win Free Juice for the Summer!

Here at Fresh Burst we want to celebrate the approaching summer! We'll reward the customer who comes up with a juice flavour that is brand-new. The lucky winner will receive a case of twenty-four 250 ml. bottles of the new juice every month from 1 July through 30 September! We'll also take photographs of you with your new juice to use in our advertising campaigns.

All you have to do is leave a comment describing your idea for a new flavour on our Fresh Burst social media page, then share your post with your friends. In your post, don't forget to include the creative name you've invented for your new juice!

The contest runs from 6 January until 14 February. The winner will be notified by 25 April. Please note that the competition is only open to people aged 18 and over. Please also note that we cannot accept entries that include logos, product names, or other materials that are copyrighted by other companies.

158. What type of organization most likely is Fresh Burst?

159. When is the deadline to enter the competition?

160. What is NOT a requirement for entering the competition?

Questions 161-163 refer to the following chart.

Mergystic Industries (Ml) Plant Operations Workflow

1. Trucks deliver materials to MI plant. Nonrecyc lable items are removed; recyclables are put on a conveyor belt. Discarded items are transferred to trucks for landfill disposal.
2. Rotating discs lift out cardboard. Smaller items pass through the screen. Boxes are cleaned and flattened.
3. Paper passes under a low barrier to a holding area, while other objects continue on. Paper items are shredded.
4. A magnet removes metal objects from the conveyor belt. Metal objects are automatically sorted by type and crushed.
5. Glass items are manually removed from the belt. Glass objects are shattered.
6. An optical scanner separates plastics by type using a printed-on code. All processed items are sent to manufacturers as raw materials.

161. What type of business most likely is Mergystic Industries?

162. According to the chart, what happens to cardboard boxes in the process?

163. What items are most likely removed from the conveyor belt at stage 4 ?

Questions 164-167 refer to the following article.

New and Notable in Tarryville

Many in our small city thought we would never have a restaurant-delivery service. - [1] -. But thanks to two enterprising young people, we now have TYL Delivers! Alicia Kazarian and Theresa Cho were m their final year at the local university when they came up with their plan last May. "We were studying for exams one night and wanted to avoid going out for dinner. We were frustrated by the limited options available in Tarryville for food delivery. We wanted an easy way to find, order, and pay for our meals. - [2] -. But no such service existed here," said Ms. Cho.

In an effort to fill the food-delivery gap in Tarryville, TYL Delivers connects diners and restaurants on an online platform that serves each of their needs. - [3] -. Restaurants can reach a broader clientele, and customers can choose from an impressively diverse list of vendors, select and order their food, and pay through one of a number of online payment methods, all from the convenience of their home or office. The restaurants partnering with TYL Delivers are spread across most of Tarryville's neighborhoods and offer food options to suit any budget. - [4] -. "We think we're off to a good start, but we already have improvements in mind," said Ms. Kazarian. "Some food-delivery services promise that orders will be delivered in as little as 30 minutes. We hope eventually to deliver within a specified time, but we need to ensure that all aspects of our service are working properly before officially making that promise."

The head of the Tarryville Business Council, Barry Porter, expressed enthusiasm for the new business. "Of course, I am always excited for a new business to open here in Tarryville. But this is a business that local residents have long wished for. And, with the recent opening of Crisley Office Park on the south side of the city, I am sure TYL Delivers will be a success."

164. What is the purpose of the article?

165. According to the article, what is NOT offered by TVL Delivers?

166. What does Mr. Porter suggest about the businesses at Crisley Office Park?

167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“We also wanted to be able to choose from a range of cuisines and price points.”

Questions 168-171 refer to the following letter.

3 November

Rhys Tomasen
Hiring Manager
Slepoy Marketing Ltd.
Level 7, 500 Exeton Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Dear Mr. Tomasen,

I would like to thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the position of staff photographer with Slepoy Marketing. Although I am disappointed that I was not chosen, I enjoyed meeting you and your staff. Your decision to go with another candidate does not diminish my belief that your company is a first-rate marketing firm, which rightfully deserves the many awards it has won.

Incidentally, during our meeting you happened to mention your upcoming mountain-themed campaign as well as the fact that your company often hires freelance photographers. I will be traveling in Asia for the next three months, and plan to shoot landscape photographs that might be appropriate for this campaign. Should you be interested, I would be happy to send you some of those pictures.

Thanks again for meeting with me. I hope to have another opportunity to speak with you at this year's Graphic Arts Conference in Brisbane.


Ye-Eun Whang

168. Why did Ms. Whang send the letter?

169. What is Ms. Whang’s opinion of Slepoy Marketing?

170. What does Ms. Whang want to send Mr. Tomasen?

171. When does Ms. Whang hope to see Mr. Tomasen again?

Questions 172-175 refer to the following online chat discussion.


Nora O'Byrne (9:36 A.M.)

Ms. Klimek, Ijust purchased plane tickets to our presentation meeting with the Madrid retailer next week.

Anna Klimek (9:37 A.M.)

Great. Did you manage to book a flight for Thursday?

Nora O'Byrne (9:37 A.M.)

Yes, at 4:00 PM We'll arrive there in the evening, with enough time to rest before the Friday meeting. Back to Dublin on Saturday, as planned.

Anna Klimek (9:38 A.M.)

Perfect. Could you also take care of travel insurance?

Nora O'Byrne (9:38 A.M.)

To cover both health and merchandise examples?

Anna Klimek (9:39 A.M.)

Yes, we'retaking fabrics, designs,and a few selections from our line. Can you use the same insurance agent as last time?

Nora O'Byrne (9:40 A.M.)

Mr. Daly, could you prepare an insurance package for Ms. Klimek and me? International travel, covering health and sample goods we will be bringing.

Fergal Daly (9:40 A.M.)

With pleasure. Can I have your flight and baggage details?

Nora O'Byrne (9:41 A.M.)

Next Thursday to Saturday. Dublin to Madrid and return, on Air Conaway. Lightweight baggage, mainly apparel and fashion accessories.

Fergal Daly (9:59 A.M.)

OK, I've just forwarded you an electronic policy.

Nora O'Byrne (10:01 A.M.)

Thank you! I've just provided my electronic signature. I'll wire the money now.

Fergal Daly (10:02 A.M.)

Take your time. The insurance company allows two days, so you have until Wednesday.

172. In what industry do Ms. O’Byrne and Ms. Klimek most likely work?

173. When will a presentation probably be given?

174. What are Ms. O’Byrne and Ms. Klimek planning to take on board the airplane?

175. At 10:02 a.m., what does Mr. Daly mean when he writes, “Take your time”?

Questions 176-180 refer to the following articles.

New Theatre Almost Ready

By Nigel Smith

LIVERPOOL (15 August)-Work is nearing completion on a new theatre, which will become the first new theatre in the city for the past 20 years. The Cricket Theatre, which is being built on the site of the former Fletcher shoe factory, will have an auditorium that can seat 400 patrons. The theatre will be operated by the Watts-Spicer Group, which owns three other theatres, two in London and one in York.

The venue is expected to open m October, said Watts-Spicer's chairperson, Colin Watts. "We have just completed the longest stage of the project, which was slower than expected due to back-ordered seats from Australia. We are expecting to open with the musical Backup on 30 October." The Cricket Theatre will host a variety of productions, from traditional plays to special engagements with artists of all kinds.

Cricket Theatre's Backup Is Wonderful

By Clara Kennedy

LIVERPOOL (2 December)- The Cricket Theatre's first production, Backup, opened last night to a full house. Theatregoers were clearly delighted by this new musical, which is based on a true story. Backup follows Babette Jones, a young backup singer for famous musical acts, through her 23-year struggle to become a successful solo act. Liverpool native Tami McClure, as Ms. Jones, thrilled the audience with her wide-ranging vocals. Paul Robinson, who played her fearless manager, also put in a strong performance. Costume designer Sophie Wright's fashions were exquisite.

Backup's strong production values and the Cricket Theatre's reasonable ticket prices point to a long and successful future for this new theatre. Backup runs until 5 February at the Cricket Theatre.

176. What is indicated about the Watts-Spicer Group?

177. In the first article, the word “stage” in paragraph 2, line 4, is closest in meaning to

178. What is implied about the Cricket Theatre?

179. According to the second article, what is indicated about Backup?

180. Who is Ms. McClure?

Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and online review.

KENT (26 February)- Stellar Chocolates is a local business offering a wide selection of handcrafted delicacies. With two shops in Kent, the business is well-known in the area. Recently, however, Stellar Chocolates gained national recognition by earning top awards from the Chocolate Council last month.

Stephanie Davidson, who co-owns the shops with Brian Markus, emphasises the sources and quality of Stellar Chocolates. "Before launching the business, Brian and I spent several months travelling to areas of the world known for quality cacao-bean production. We inspected the plants and learned about traditional harvesting and roasting processes," she said. In fact, production started only after the co-owners had secured the finest ingredients for their products. They now incorporate a variety of other ingredients such as chili, basil, and even wasabi, to create a unique line of chocolates.

Demand for Stellar's line has continued to grow, and the firm expects to open a third shop in Bath later this year. Ms. Davidson noted that they have found additional space in an old mill to be converted for retail use. "The new shop will be our largest, and we plan to establish a mail-order business so that we can ship not just domestically but also internationally," she said.

http://www.stellarchocolates.co.uk/ reviews

Home | Our Product Line | Customer Reviews | Contact

Today I visited the new Stellar Chocolates shop that opened a few weeks ago in the former mill, expecting to see an ordinary candy store. What a surprise! I was delighted to taste some free samples while watching the chocolates being made by hand. I even had a chance to chat with one of the owners, who told me about the origin of their business. She met her co-owner ten years ago in a class at university, and they came up with the business idea for an assignment. They got such positive comments from their professor and fellow students that they decided to turn their idea into a career project. I look forward to many future visits, as the shop is just around the corner from my home.

Cynthia Ragusa

181. What is stated about Stellar Chocolates in the article?

182. What is indicated about Mr. Markus?

183. In the article, the word “finest” in paragraph 2, line 11, is closest in meaning to

184. What is suggested about Ms. Ragusa?

185. What is indicated about the newest Stellar Chocolates shop?

Questions 186-190 refer to the following e-mail, Web page, and form.

To: Alex Gulin <alex.gulin@senmail.ca>
From: Kohek Apparel <orders@kohekapparel.com>
Date: August 27
Subject: Kohek Apparel order confirmation

Dear Alex:

Thank you for your online order from Kohek Apparel! Your order should arrive within 5-10 business days. See below for details:

Order Number: 96781
Deliver To: 22 Exeter Street, Toronto, M4B l B3 CANADA

Order Summary:

Description Item No. Color Size Price
Jogging suit P394 Charcoal gray Large $78.00
Cotton shirt S963 Bright white Large $36.00
Wool sweater SW852 Sky blue Large $45.00
Fleece jacket J109 Moss green Large $65.00
Total $224.0

We appreciate your repeated business! To receive a coupon for JO percent off your next order, visit our website and enter the promotional code RC008.


KoHEK APPAREL-Return Policy

Kohek Apparel strives to create high-quality, great-fitting items at a reasonable price. We want you to be completely satisfied with your order and would like to make the return process as easy as possible.

To return an item, request a shipping label by emailing customersupport@kohekapparel.com. A printable shipping label will be emailed to you. Once you receive it, place the item in the same box it arrived in, along with a completed return request form (found on the back of your invoice), and tape the shipping label to the box. If you no longer have the original box, place the item in a different box. Your purchase will be fully refunded once we receive the package.

Returns within the United States are completely free. For returns from Canada, a $6 shipping charge will be deducted from your refund. From all other countries, the shipping charge is $12.


KoHEK APPAREL-Return Request

Name: Alex Gulin
Customer ID: A.Gul370
Order Number: 96781
Returning Item Number: Jl09

Reason for the return: Item was too large.
Order a different size? No Size __________


I've been ordering the same size from Kohek Apparel for years. I was surprised that this time the sizing was off. But I'm happy with my other items.

186. What is suggested about Kohek Apparel?

187. What do all of the items in Mr. Gulin’s order have in common?

188. What do customers need to do when returning an item?

189. What item is Mr. Gulin returning?

190. What is indicated about Mr. Gulin?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following schedule, newsletter article, and form.

Kuraki Motors Canadian Dealer Annual Meeting
Schedule for Friday, June 8

7:30 A.M. Breakfast East Ballroom
9:00 A.M. Keynote Address
CEO Katsuhiko Nakamuro
South Ballroom
10:30 A.M. Kuraki Business Outlook
Vice President Jiro Higa
South Ballroom
Noon Lunch East Ballroom
1:30 P.M. New Product Debuts
Chief Designer Yuna Yamashita
South Ballroom
4:00 P.M. Dealer-Led Seminars:
The Modern Dealership
Digital Campaigns

Mara Room
Flora Room
6:00 P.M. Dinner East Ballroom

Canadian Dealer Meeting

By Josie Hopkins, Kuraki Now Staff Writer

Executives from Kuraki Motors returned to Toronto for an annual meeting of the nearly 1,000 Canadian representatives of the brand. The two-day event kicked off on Friday morning with CEO Katsuhiko Nakamura, who gave a keynote address highlighting progress on the company's new manufacturing plant in Toronto. He was followed by Vice President Jiro Higa detailing increased production levels and expected growth. Attendees then had the opportunity to attend two days of seminars. But the highlight of the event was the unveiling of two new models, the sleek Daino sedan and Kuraki's new hybrid, the Pura. The models will be rolling into dealerships in August.

Kuraki Motors Canadian Dealer Annual Meeting-Survey Form

Thank you for attending this year's dealer meeting. We would appreciate your feedback. Please use the following rating scale to rate each of the seminars you attended.

Rating Scale: 4 =excellent; 3 = very good; 2 = satisfactory; 1 =poor

Seminars Rating
The Modern Dealership 4
Digital Campaigns n/a
Proven Methods to Attract Salespeople 4
Internet Sales Success n/a
The Business Model of the Future n/a
Standing Out from the Competition 4


The seminars on both days were informative as always. I wish that some were not scheduled at the same time and that more were offered before lunch on Saturday. Some of my colleagues were unable to stay for the afternoon sessions.

Name: Howard Gellman

191. In which location did Kuraki’s senior executives make presentations?

192. What is one purpose of the article?

193. When were the Daino and the Pura most likely introduced to meeting attendees?

194. What is indicated about Mr. Gellman?

195. What is Mr. Gellman’s complaint about the seminars?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following invitation, brochure, and e-mail.

Creative Tech Conference

Join us for the Tenth Annual Creative Tech Conference. Explore the latest technologies with the top innovators in their fields. Enjoy a full day of presentations, workshops, discussions, and exhibitions, culminating with a keynote address by Ayana Gonzalez, the founder of Grutenhur Tech.

May 12, 9 A.M.-6 P.M .
Bondal University
22 Markus Street
Ione, California

Purchase tickets online at www.creativetechcon.com/tickets.

Interested in being a sponsor? See the attached sponsor benefits brochure.

Creative Tech Conference
Sponsor Benefits

We couldn't run the Creative Tech Conference without the help of sponsors. In addition to supporting entrepreneurs and innovators, sponsorship is a great way to get the name of your business out to our 500+ attendees in various tech fields. See below for sponsorship levels.


  • Your company's logo on a large banner displayed during the keynote address
  • Free four-hour exhibitor booth
  • Your company's logo featured on our Web site and conference program
  • Half-price tickets for all employees that attend the conference


  • Your company's logo on a large banner displayed during the final reception
  • Free four-hour exhibitor booth
  • Your company's logo featured on our Web site and conference program


  • Your company's logo featured on our Web site and conference program
  • Free four-hour exhibitor booth


  • Your company's logo featured on our Web site and conference program

Please contact sponsors@creativetechconference.com for more information.

To: All Orlavel Analytics Staff
From: Edsel Skyers
Subject: Creative Tech Conference
Date: May 2

Dear Staff,

I hope you will attend the Creative Tech Conference on May 12. It is taking place nearby at Bondal University. I have gone the past two years, and it is a great way to network and stay informed about the newest trends in our field. And because we are a sponsor of the event, our employees receive a discount on tickets. Plus, as some of you may know, the keynote speaker is a former employee! Let me know if you have any questions.

Edsel Skyers
Product Development Director
Orlavel Analytics

196. What does the invitation state about the Creative Tech Conference?

197. According to the brochure, what is a benefit of sponsoring the conference?

198. Why did Mr. Skyers write the e-mail?

199. What is indicated about Ms. Gonzalez?

200. What type of sponsor is Orlavel Analytics?

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