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ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Reading (Test 3)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The event planner determined that Tuesday’s forum will require ------------------------- chairs.

102. Ms. Hu will check the storage closet before she ------------------------ more office supplies.

103. All sales staff are asked to acknowledge their ---------------------- in Monday’s workshop.

104. The commercial for Zhou’s Cafe was --------------------- Sunn Agency's best advertisement of the year.

105. Use coupon code SAVE20 to purchase ------------------------ perfume or cologne for 20 percent off.

106. Talk-Talk Cell Phone Company will soon be merging with its main --------------------------.

107. Ms. Ellis designed one of the most ----------------------- marketing campaigns the department had seen.

108. Last month we received numerous ---------------------- comments from customers on our blog.

109. Beginning on August 1, patients will be asked to complete a short survey ------------------------ each visit.

110. Viewing the beautiful landscape outside her door ------------------------ inspires Elia Colao to paint.

111. Although the parts are made in China, the ------------------------ of Jamy bicycles is done in Canada.

112. Many businesses promote carpooling ------------------------ traffic congestion.

113. -------------------------the repairs are complete, only essential personnel are allowed in the building.

114. We apologize for having used the wrong colors on the Slarott Architecture brochures and will deliver ------------------ on Friday.

115. Employees must store all tools ------------------------ at the end of the shift.

116. An ------------------------ to renovate the old factory was submitted to the city council.

117. Customers ------------------------ wish to return a defective item may do so within twenty days of the date of purchase.

118. The Golubovich House will be open ------------------------ a special living-history program on Sunday.

119. Mr. Wijaya is reviewing the resumes to select the candidate best ------------------------ for the position.

120. Tourists praise Navala City’s world-class beaches ------------------------ -its historical attractions.

121. Mr. Chandling will cover any time-sensitive work ------------------------ Mr. Tan is on vacation.

122. Laura Gless promotes faculty-led study programs in ------------------------ such as France and Italy.

123. Mr. Stafford e-mailed the clients to ask ------------------------ there is a train station near their office.

124. Last year, the city ---------------------- nearly 500 building permits to small-business owners.

125. Local merchants are hopeful that if this new business succeeds, ------------------------ will also benefit.

126. Following the retirement of Mr. Whalen, the company ------------------------ a search for a new CEO.

127. Ms. Travaglini filed the paperwork with the facilities department ------------------------ a week ago.

128. After the lease ---------------------------, customers have the option of purchasing the car or returning it to their local dealer.

129. The Jones News Hour 'ts broadcast ------------------------ on radio and television.

130. Ms. Choi would have been at the keynote address if her train ------------------------- on time.

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