Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Reading (Test 4)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.

★ ☆


Dear Customers:

For many years, we at Star Designs have strived to offer quality apparel at competitive prices. Unfortunately, as a quick glance at our online store shows, we have been forced to increase our prices recently. Every effort has been made to avoid this, but because of the growing costs of cotton and most fabrics that we use to sew our colorful shirts and formal wear, we could no longer afford to maintain our prices. However, we will continue to provide the excellent quality and customer-oriented approach that you have come to appreciate with Star Designs.

Thank you for your understanding and your continued loyalty!

147. What does Star Designs produce?

148. What is being announced?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following brochure.



Over ten years serving individuals
as well as small- and mid-sized businesses

What we do:

  • Responsive Web site design with secure e-commerce functionality
  • Multilingual content development and management
  • Branding and marketing
Prices begin at $200 for a basic five-page Web site in English. Expedited design available. Call or e-mail us today for a consultation!

Customer reviews:

"My business has had a boost since the launch of the great new Web site designed by Mr. Alexander. The super-secure e-commerce tools make shopping easy and safe for my customers."
-Julia Melo, Flowers To Go

"Acadetech is the best! I needed to accommodate a large variety of customers, and they listened. Thanks to their responsive design, my site is just as functional on mobile phones and tablets as on big desktop screens."
-Erik Schroeder, Jamestown Catering

149. What is suggested about Acadetech?

150. With what feature is Mr. Schroeder particularly pleased?

Questions 151- 153 refer to the following email.

To: Geoffrey Breen
From: Gagan Chopra
Subject: Information
Date: 24 March
Attachment: 📎 Chopral


Dear Geoffrey:

This is to remind you that beginning next Monday I will be on vacation for three weeks in Jaipur. - [1] -. I am providing you with a list of the current book projects that I am overseeing that includes the manuscript due dates as well as other pertinent information about each project. - [2] -. I know you have a lot to do as editor-in-chief, so I have asked a colleague to oversee my projects while I'm away.

Ian Pressler has been working closely with me for the past few months on travel and finance titles, so he is well aware of the ongoing projects in this area and will see that things go smoothly. We had a lunch meeting yesterday at the new restaurant near Anderson Market to go over them. - [3] - . Ian will make certain the appropriate e-mail reminders are sent out to the authors whose projects are nearing completion. I will have limited Internet access while traveling, but I will respond to messages as quickly as possible. - [4] -.

Kind regards,

Gagan Chopra

151. Where most likely does Mr. Chopra work?

152. What does Mr. Chopra write that Mr. Pressler will do?

153. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“While there, we put together a project list, which includes all of the associated tasks.”

Questions 154 - 155 refer to the following text-message chain.

Soraya Channa 8:45 A.M.

Hi, Ru. I'm supposed to greet the new marketing interns at 9:00 and begin the first training session, but my train just left the station.

Ru Liao 8:46 A.M.

What happened?

Soraya Channa 8:47 A.M.

I think it was a weather-related delay. Maybe there was ice on the tracks? In any event, I'm not going to be able to make it to the office in time.

Ru Liao 8:48A.M

OK. In that case, I'll greet the interns and lead the first session, and you can join us when you arrive. Then you could lead the session on our demographic research in the afternoon.

Soraya Channa 8:49 A.M.

Yes, that definitely works. Thanks!

154. What is Ms. Channa’s problem?

155. At 8:49 a.m., what does Ms. Channa mean when she writes, “Yes, that definitely works”?

Questions 156 - 158 refer to the following article.

Small Business News


By Anna Fortin

PRESTON (29 August)-The town 's small business boom continues, creating new jobs and strengthening local markets. In fact, Preston's small businesses employed 4,300 people last year, equaling 25 percent of the local labor force.

"Small businesses are definitely a key economic driver," explains Dr. Henry Belanger, who teaches finance at Lackland University. "Start-up businesses are a significant engine for job creation."

According to Belanger, Preston is part of a province-wide trend.

"Last year, the province saw job expansion above the national average, adding more than 19,000 jobs overall," Dr. Belanger said. "About 17 percent were in small businesses. Moreover, thanks to the personal income generated by small companies, larger, established businesses benefited too."

Parties interested in starting a business can access the government's Provincial Small Business Center for help in creating a business plan, finding capital, and learning marketing strategies.

156. The word “boom” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to

157. Who most likely is Dr. Belanger?

158. What does Dr. Belanger state about small businesses?

Questions 159 - 160 refer to the following email.

To: dianepaxton@lamail.com
From: customerservice@lenfordfinancial.co.uk
Subject: Online Account
Date: 22 June


Dear Ms. Paxton,

Thank you for your interest in Lenford Financial. We have received your online inquiry and have issued a temporary username and password. To activate your online account, please follow these steps.

1. Go to our Web site and select "New Registration."

2. Log in using username DPAXTON and password XA098T. You will be prompted to create a new username and password.

3. A new-customer survey will pop up. Fill out the survey with information about your financial profile.

4. After you submit the survey, one of our account representatives will call you within 24 hours to discuss your portfolio and future investments.

We look forward to helping you attain your financial goals.

Kent Rawlin
Customer Account Representative

159. What does the e-mail suggest about Ms. Paxton?

160. What is Ms. Paxton instructed to do?

Questions 161 - 163 refer to the following advertisement.

Green Rock University Seeks Assistant for Technology Lab

Because of student demand, Green Rock University's Technology Lab will now be open during the evening. As a result of these extended hours, we are seeking an evening lab assistant. The successful candidate should possess a range of relevant knowledge and skills in 3-D printing, basic coding, graphic design programs, and movie-making software.

We are looking for a person who is patient, creative, and enjoys helping others. The ideal candidate will also enjoy learning new things and sharing that knowledge with other people. Applicants chosen for interviews will be asked to bring examples of technology-related projects they have worked on and should be prepared to discuss those projects. Interested applicants should send a letter of interest and resume to tech@greenrockuniversity.edu.

161. Why is the lab-assistant position being offered?

162. What is NOT a requirement of the job?

163. How should applicants apply for the position?

Questions 164 - 167 refer to the following email.

To: Alan Rogerson <arogerson@rogersoncorp.ca>
From: Yoshi Takeda <ytakeda@dskt.co.jp>
Subject: Greenhouse system
Date: 18 November
Attachment: 📎 DSKTg


Dear Mr. Rogerson,

I am glad we got a chance to talk at the agricultural technology trade show in Dublin last week. Per your request, I have attached an electronic version of our booklet on the DSKT greenhouse system. - [1] -.

I am aware that your greenhouses are located some distance from one another. - [2] -. Using our environmental monitoring system, you could check the temperature, humidity, and air quality of each greenhouse remotely. You would no longer need to be on-site to make observations every night. DSKT sends the readings to your smartphone or computer. -[3]-.

You might also be interested in our crop irrigation systems. - [4] - . Let me know if you would like more information; I will be happy to answer questions about any of our products.


Yoshi Takeda

164. Why did Mr. Takeda send the e-mail?

165. What is suggested about Mr. Rogerson?

166. According to the e-mail, what can the DSKT greenhouse system do?

167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3],and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“I am confident it will illustrate how our system can meet your needs.”

Questions 168 - 171 refer to the following notice.

"Expressions in Form and Color"
March 30
5:30 P.M.-9:00 P.M.

Event Description: The Summerlake University Art Department is pleased to present its annual showcase, openjng today at 5:30 P.M. in the campus art gallery located in Building 4. Come see new artwork-including paintings, photographs, drawings, and sculptures-while enjoying beverages and appetizers.

Student artists will be on hand to speak about their work to visitors at the gallery from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. this evening. At 7:30 P.M., Fin Olson, sculptor of Delivered, will give a presentation about how his study abroad in Milan influenced his work. Mr. Olson, who will finish his degree in April, has already sold many pieces to private collectors and teaches workshops to children.

This event is open to students, faculty, and the public. Parking is available in the designated areas next to Buildings 4 and 8. Please note that the area by Building 4 requires a permit, but the area by Building 8 is free to the public.

For more information, including a list of featured artwork, please visit the Art Department's Web site at www.summerlake.edu/artdepartment/ events.

168. What is the purpose of the notice?

169. What is indicated about the works of art?

170. What is mentioned about Mr. Olson?

171. What is NOT suggested about the event?

Questions 172 - 175 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Ichiro Watanabe (9:30 A.M.)

Does anyone have ideas before the Friday department meeting for improving the inspection process for dental offices?

Suzanne Parrin (9:31 A.M.)

There is too much paperwork. Perhaps inspectors could complete forms electronically.

Zachary Qian (9:32 A.M.)

Great idea. That would eliminate paper completely.

Ichiro Watanabe (9:33 A.M.)

That's an effective way for us to save time and money, but how do we transition from using the current forms to electronic ones? How would inspectors be trained?

Suzanne Parrin (9:35 A.M.)

What if inspectors continue to use paper forms while they're learning how to use the new electronic version?

Zachary Qian (9:36 A.M.)

That way, they would gain some experience with the electronic forms. And maybe we could hire instructors to train our inspectors so they're ready for the transition.

Suzanne Parrin (9:38 A.M.)

Exactly. We could hold the training sessions here at the Labor Department.

Ichiro Watanabe (9:40 A.M.)

Great. I'll propose these ideas at the meeting.

172. What are the writers discussing?

173. What is suggested about the writers?

174. At 9:38 a.m., what does Ms. Parrin most likely mean when she writes, “Exactly”?

175. What will Mr. Watanabe most likely do on Friday?

Questions 176 - 180 refer to the following memo and form.


To: All Staff
From: Shondra Brown, Director of Benefits
Date: August 4
Re: Wellness Classes


In the interest of promoting a healthy and productive workforce, Lellar Manufacturing will begin offering monthly wellness classes. While participation is not required, we do hope that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity. Part- and full-time regular employees are eligible for these classes at no cost. All other workers and trainees will be required to pay a small enrollment fee.

Local nurses from Union City Hospital will run the classes on-site, so you do not have to travel anywhere. Classes will be held the first Friday morning of each month, and the class topics will change each month. The class topics in order, starting in September and going through December, will be as follows: Easy Stretching, Good Food Choices, Tips for Better Sleep, and Starting an Exercise Group.

Supervisor approval is necessary. The first step is to complete a class request form and send it to the Benefits Department. If you have any questions, contact our benefits counselors Don Herrell at ext. 249 or Leah Katzen at ext. 199.

Lellar Manufacturing

Name: Alfredo De Santos
Title: Production Trainee
Name/Title of Immediate Supervisor: Galen Sanders, Production Manager
Requested Class Date: September 2
Enrollment Fee Paid:
Received by Benefits Counselor: Leah Katzen

176. What is the purpose of the memo?

177. Where will a company activity take place?

178. What topic will be covered in September?

179. Why has Mr. De Santos paid a fee?

180. Who must provide an approval?

Questions 181 - 185 refer to the following Web page and e-mail.

◄ ► http://www.barrowstreetpost.eo.uk/ tori-fadulu/

Tori Fadulu has been a writer with Barrow Street Post for the past two years. Previously, she worked as a freelance writer for the Caldwell Times and the Andover Daily News. She is the author of Stones in Moonlight, for which she received the prestigious Klockner Prize for new novelists. Ms. Fadulu holds a degree in journalism from MacDougal University. She has lived in London her entire life but loves to travel.

Recent Barrow Street Post Articles hy Tori Fadulu
"Culture Up Close," 4 December
People from a village in Mongolia warmly welcome the writer into their homes to share their culture and traditions.

"A Night Out in London," 19 October
With so many things to see and do in London, how do real Londoners choose to spend their nights out? Ms. Fadulu speaks to some to find out.

"Exploring on a Budget," 28 September
Alberta natives Besha Phelan and Hayley Luongo have been travelling across Canada for the past three years and have spent far less money than they did when they were renting an apartment in Calgary.

"Hiking South America," 5 August
Patagonia is a hiker's paradise, and its natural beauty is not to be missed. Ms. Fadulu joins several hikers on the trails to learn what keeps them going back.

To: Tori Fadulu
From: Jamie Tsang
Subject: Column idea
Date: 15 December


Hi, Tori,

We have been getting a lot of positive e-mails and letters from readers about your December piece. You did some very nice work. Because the article was so popular, I would like to see the concept become a recurring column focusing on your experiences living with and learning from people in different regions of the world.

Let's set up a time to discuss the detail s. Are you free tomorrow at noon? We could talk over lunch.

My best,

Jamie Tsang, Senior Editor

181. To whom is the Klockner Prize awarded?

182. What is suggested about Ms. Fadulu?

183. In the e-mail, the word “nice” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to

184. What article does Mr. Tsang want to develop into a column?

185. What does Mr. Tsang want to do on December 16 ?

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the following proposal forms and e-mail.


Project For:

Sethi Technologies
34 Carnaby Street
San Francisco, CA 94129

Contractor Information:

Geo Carpet Care
541 Grantham Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94128

Scope of Work

Cleaning of all carpets and upholstered furniture in common areas and personal work spaces. lncludes furniture moving as needed. Temporary floor protector pads provided. Spot removal included.
*Note: We use all-natural, odorless cleaning products.

Company Proposal

We, Geo Carpet Care, propose the above scope of work for the amount of $2,650 plus tax.
Price includes a 10% discount for first-time customers.
50% due at acceptance; balance due upon completion.
Price remains valid for 30 days after proposal submission.

Submitted by: Martin Acosta
Date: June 1
Customer Approval: _______
Date: _______


8423 Golden Way
San Francisco, CA 94124

Customer: Sethi Technologies
Address: 34 Carnaby Street. San Francisco. CA 94129
Date: June 5

Freshen Carpets proposes to clean the entire carpeted area of customer's premises and clean all upholstered furniture. Clearing of floor space to be completed by customer. Spot removal extra.

Cost: $1900 + tax (reflects the standard reduced price for new customers)

Payment due to representative upon completion of service. This proposal is good for 30 days.

Prepared by: Richard Wang
Purchaser Acceptance: ___________
Date: ___________

To: All Sethi Technologies Employees
From: Joe Tierney, Facilities Department
Subject: Carpet Cleaning
Date: June 25


On Saturday morning, all of the carpets and upholstered furniture will be cleaned. In preparation for the work, some of our facilities staff members will be moving furniture as necessary on Friday evening so that the cleaning crew can access the areas to be cleaned. In addition, we ask that before you leave on Friday, you remove any fragile or valuable personal items from your work space. Please do not leave any confidential work material in plain view. The carpets and furniture will be dry by Monday. Do not come in over the weekend; work at home if necessary.

186. Who most likely is Mr. Acosta?

187. When should customers pay Freshen Carpets for their services?

188. What do both companies offer to customers?

189. What does Mr. Tierney ask all employees to do?

190. What is suggested about Sethi Technologies?

Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following text message, article, and review.

From: Fausto Forletti [11:02A.M.]
To: Steffan Griffiths <029 2018 0743>

Hi, Steffan. I'm with the electrical contractors at the former Millway train station site now. The electrical system was in worse shape than we had originally thought. The rewiring and upgrades are going to cost more than expected because we want to modernise while still retaining the historical integrity of the building. I'll send over the estimate as soon as I receive it. I'm hoping that all the work will be completed so that we can o_pen as planned in May.

New Hotel to Open in South Wales


CARDIFF (18 April)-The Millway Road Hotel is scheduled to open on 14 May. The building was once a busy train station that was designed by Arthur Lewison over 150 years ago.

For almost three decades the building had been left unoccupied. It was purchased two years ago by Steffan Griffiths, president of Griffiths Hoteliers.

According to project coordinator Fausto Forletti, the old building required extensive renovation not only to turn it into a hotel but also to update the electrical, heating, and plumbing systems.

The hotel has 25 guest rooms, a meeting room, and a restaurant with banquet facilities. All of Mr. Griffiths' facilities are noted for their world-class dining experiences. The hotel's Bayside Cafe has award-winning Welsh chef Mal Davies to create a menu and oversee the restaurant.

In the near future, Mr. Griffiths plans to expand the property's garden. For information and reservations, visit www.millwayroadhotel.co.uk.

http://www.cardifftravels.co.uk/ reviews

Home | Attractions | Reviews | Contact Us

★ ★ ★ ★

Millway Road Hotel
Review posted by Mi-Yeon Ko

I recently attended a small conference at the Millway Road Hotel, which opened in June. As a computer technician, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it had such up-to-date facilities. Both my room and the meeting room had more than enough electrical outlets to plug in equipment and charge mobile phones and computers. The complimentary wireless Internet service was easy to access. On top of that, the food was delicious and the guest rooms were beautiful.

191. Why did Mr. Forletti send the text message?

192. Where was Mr. Forletti when he sent the text message?

193. What does the article suggest about Mr. Lewison?

194. What does the article indicate about the Millway Road Train Station?

195. What is suggested in Ms. Ko’s review?

Questions 196 - 200 refer to the following e-mails and schedule.

To: All Staff
From: Leila Hedlund
Subject: November software training
Date: October 30
Attachment: 📎 Software Training Schedule


Dear Staff,

Throughout November, we will be holding mandatory training sessions for two of our major software products.

Training in the Abacus Deepthink software will be required for all staff members and can be completed in a single online session. Several possible session times are available. The software has gone through several changes recently, so even longtime users must attend.

The Optisafe software training will be offered in person and is a requirement only for Drug Safety department members. This past year, major upgrades have been made to the software, and all department staff will need to learn how to use its new capabilities.

Please look over the attached schedule and go to the company training Web site to sign up.

Thank you,

Leila Hedlund
Kodarex Pharmaceuticals

Software Training Schedule

Date Title Time Location
November 6 Abacus Deepthink 9 A.M.-11 AM. Online
November 9 Optisafe 9 A.M.-1 P.M. Building C, Room 822
November 14 Abacus Deepthink P.M.-3 P.M. Online
November 17 Abacus Deepthink 10 AM.-12 P.M. Online
November 22 Optisafe 1 P.M.-5 P.M. Building C, Room 822
November 27 Abacus Deepthink 3 P.M.-5 P.M. Online

The online lessons can be accessed at https://www.abacusdeepthink.com

To: Leila Hedlund
From: Diego Ramos-Toro
Re: November software training
Date: October 31


Dear Leila,

I need to attend both software trainings, but I had planned to take off work from November 6 through November 18. Also, I must attend an all-day client meeting on November 22 that we cannot reschedule. Will there be any alternative sessions for the Optisafe training that I could attend?

Thank you,

Diego Ramos-Toro

196. According to the first e-mail, what is true about the Optisafe software?

197. According to the schedule, what do the Abacus Deepthink trainings have in common?

198. Why did Mr. Ramos-Toro write to Ms. Hedlund?

199. What is suggested about Mr. Ramos-Toro?

200. When will Mr. Ramos-Toro most likely complete a training?

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