101. Mr. Guo ------------------------ with an electrician yesterday about the rewiring project. 102. Ms. Lan Le will complete ------------------------ internship at the George Cake Shop next week. 103. Every Thursday the Lifelong Reading Club meets to ------------------------ novels written by local authors. 104. Skymills Insurance ------------------------ grew from a small business to a midsize company with 350 employees. 105. Local shop owners are invited to the ------------------------- of Clyde Bank’s downtown branch.
106. All e-mail messages regarding legal issues should be ------------------------ in a separate folder. 107. Hiring an ------------------------ for Ms. Tsai must be our top priority, as her workload has increased. 108. The ------------------------ Ladoff Building was constructed in 1923 and stood two stories tall. 109. If you have questions about your most ------------------------ credit card statement, call Mr. Hassan. 110. The Rinzlite dishwasher was ranked higher ----------------------- all other dishwashers in its class.
111. So far, the Grantley store ------------------------ 20 percent more mobile phones than it did last year. 112. In the event of a power failure, unplug computers until power is ------------------------ restored. 113. Although Mr. Akiyama retired last year, he ----------------------- visits the office each week. 114. At the panel discussion, Ms. Yang made a ---------------------- argument for environmentally responsible business practices. 115. The Hokodo Orchestra will hold ------------------------ for new string musicians next Tuesday.
116. Although the team members ------------------------ were not available after the game, the coach was happy to be interviewed. 117. Ms. Schwimmer’s application was not ------------------------ reviewed until November 5. 118. Managers are encouraged to give their staff --------------------------- feedback during the annual performance-review meetings. 119. Deckermark Enterprises offers employees flexible scheduling and telecommuting ------------------------ . 120. Ms. Summer can estimate the cost for the land-clearing project in Fosterville,-------------------- before the details are finalized. 121. The company’s transition from paper paychecks to electronic paychecks was ------------------------ smooth. 122. All temporary workers should contact Ms. Fierro to ------------------------ an identification badge. 123. We will pay your insurance claim ------------------------ we receive the official damage report. 124. Neither of the ------------------------ in the debate was willing to take a stand on the riverfront development controversy. 125. --------------------------the additional funding, Central City Medical School expects to double the size of its research team.
126. The clients have indicated that a reception area of 60 square meters will be ------------------------ in the new building. 127. Ms. Lau would like to know ------------------------ Mr. Cole called the main office yesterday. 128. Koffler Law hired more paralegals ------------------------ meet its commitment to clients. 129. The newest edition of the Biltmire Road Atlas has plastic-coated pages for extra -------------------------. 130. Job seekers should prepare a list of professional references ------------------------ applying for positions. |