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ETS - TOEIC 2020 - Reading (Test 8)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.

Thank you for choosing the River Street Hotel!

In an effort to bring our guests the very best experience, we've extended our complimentary shuttle bus service to include the city's downtown area. The shuttle loops around the downtown's most popular tourist attractions with several stops, including all historic sites, the outdoor market, and the theater district. While these destinations are all within walking distance from the hotel, the shuttle will allow you to reach them more quickly. The route is ideal for first-time and regular visitors. The shuttle will also make additional stops during special events and festivals.

Shuttle schedules are posted in the hotel lobby. As with our airport service, rewards club members can book a shuttle ahead of time.


147. What is being offered?

148. What is suggested about the River Street Hotel?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following text-message chain.

Joan Trivers [10:34 A.M.]

Yuji, my train is delayed by one hour, and I might be late for my presentation. Would you be able to set up and start for me if I am not there before 2:00?

Yuji Okada [10:35 A.M.]

Sure. When are you due in?

Joan Trivers [10:37 A.M.]

I won't make it to Oakville station until 1:20. I'll try to get the first bus from there to the office.

Yuji Okada [10:39 A.M.]

No need. I'll pick you up. We'll he at the office before 2.

Joan Trivers [10:41 A.M.]

Great, thank you! But do set up the computer with the presentation.

149. What is Ms. Trivers concerned about?

150. At 10:39 a.m., what does Mr. Okada most likely mean when he writes, “No need”?

Questions 151-153 refer to the following article.

Sheldon Business News

SHELDON (August 4)-Downing Way announced on Tuesday that it will be creating many new jobs in the city of Sheldon. The restaurant's spokesperson, Daniel Vacher, said the restaurant is slated to open on September 26 at 1091 Downing Boulevard. Management is looking to fill 50 positions before the doors open. Positions range from servers to pastry chefs to managers. Because of the number of positions, Downing Way will host a one-day career fair on August 16. Open interviews will be conducted at the event.

Downing Way's newest location will be the only restaurant in Sheldon that harvests its own vegetables and herbs in a garden on the premises. It also specializes in regional cuisine. "We are pleased to be able to contribute to growing the local job base," said Marie Fontaine, founder and CEO of Downing Way. "We are looking to hire team members with a passion for food and first-class hospitality skills. We offer our staff a competitive pay rate and excellent benefits." Interested candidates who are unable to attend the career fair may instead apply online at downingway-sheldon.com.

151. What is the article about?

152. What is indicated about the event on August 16 ?

153. How is Downing Way unique?

Questions 154-157 refer to the following memo.


To: Customer Service Personnel
Subject: Meeting next Friday
Date: November 19

Last week we conducted a study to gather opinions about our customer service. The data are in and they look good. Most people expressed satisfaction with their communication with our representatives. Their questions about packaging services, shipping charges, and the status of their parcels were answered professionally and promptly.

One area that we need to address is the low number of referrals. Few customers we approached reported telling others about our services. Based on the answers, most people are repeat customers who always rely on us for their shipping needs, or they choose us based on our advertising. Clearly, we fail to request referrals properly.

Therefore, our meeting next Friday will center around this topic. I will design materials and practice activities to correct this shortcoming. But I would also appreciate it if you could come up with some creative ways to improve our referral rate. Send me your suggestions and I will be sure to include them in our discussion. I look forward to hearing from you all.

Janice Wells, Senior Customer Service Coordinator

154. Where does Ms. Wells probably work?

155. What information did Ms. Wells review?

156. What problem does Ms. Wells mention?

157. What are staff asked to do?

Questions 158-159 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Barbara Treloar <btreloar@questor.ca>
From: Amy Dunstan <adunstan@bluetern.co.nz>
Subject: Cover
Date: 20 April

Dear Barbara:

You will be receiving an e-mail from the Blue Tern marketing team before the end of the week. The e-mail describes the marketing process, and it gives you a link to an online questionnaire for authors. Although the design team will have the final say on your book's cover, you do have some input. Do you feel strongly about anything that you do or do not want to see on the cover? Please let me know.


Amy Dunstan
Senior Developmental Editor

158. Who most likely is Ms. Treloar?

159. According to the e-mail, what should soon arrive?

Questions 160-162 refer to the following letter.

Ms. Julia Gandarillas
1896 Bartlett Avenue
Southfield, Ml 48075

November 10

Dear Ms. Gandarillas,

Thank you for renewing your contract with Liu Web Works. We have enclosed your quarterly invoice for our Web site hosting services. - [1] - . You'll notice that the amount of $20.00 was added to the regular maintenance cost. - [2] - . As a reminder, Liu Web Works performed a major upgrade in June to ensure that your Web site is compatible with the latest devices. Your customers will now see and interact with the same content, regardless of whether they are using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. - [3] - .

Please let us know how these enhancements have affected your Web site and business. - [4] - . Complete our online survey by logging in to your account with us and clicking the link that appears at the top of the page. As a token of our appreciation for your suggestions, you will receive a 10 percent discount on a future bill.

Thanks for your continued business!
Shaun Liu
Liu Web Works

160. Why did the fee change?

161. What does Mr. Liu ask Ms. Gandarillas to do?

162. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“We e-mailed you in May about this increase.”

Questions 163-166 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Jorge Avila 10:18 A.M.

You may have noticed that the air-conditioning is not functioning in parts of the building.

Simon Miano 10:19 A.M.

I noticed. The temperature and humidity are rising fast in here.

Jorge Avila 10:20 A.M.

Acondenser is down, and the fix is not quick or cheap. The last time one broke it took aweek to get a replacement. I'm glad that it's not too hot this week. The technician is on the way, but for now, feel free to plug in a fan.

Simon Miano 10:24 A.M.

I'm afraid the computer servers may overheat. Do we have any portable units we could set up in the Information Technology office?

April Denner 10:25 A.M.

We really can't afford to lose them.

Jorge Avila 10:26 A.M.

Not in this building. With Ms. Denner's OK, we could use the van to pick up the ones in the warehouse in Mindones. I think we have 3 or 4 there. But the earliest I could get back is tonight.

April Denner 10:28 A.M.

Jorge, I'm authorizing you to make an emergency purchase of portable AC units for the IT office right away. Please decide on the number of units needed, determine the cost, and report back to me as soon as you have set up the purchase.

Jorge Avila 10:28 A.M.

I'll get started on that now.

April Denner 10:29 A.M.

If you can't get a local appliance outlet to deliver by the afternoon, send someone in the delivery van to pick them up.

163. What is the problem?

164. At 10:26 a.m., what does Mr. Avila mean when he writes, “Not in this building”?

165. Why most likely does Ms. Denner decide against using the units in Mindones?

166. What will most likely happen next?

Questions 167-168 refer to the following e-mail.

To: hhollander@helensplace.com
From: customerservice@eaterysource.com
Date: January 16
Subject: Order confirmation

Dear Ms. Hollander:

Thank you for shopping with us! This e-mail confirms that we have received your order from eaterysource.com. We are proud to be an international supplier of equipment to restaurants worldwide.

Your order is currently being processed. Orders are typically processed and sent out to our warehouses within two business days. Our staff will then begin to prepare your order for shipping. You will receive another e-mail once your order has shipped, updating you with its current tracking information.

Thank you for your business.


The Eatery Source Team
Order Number: #19998056
Order Date: January 16

167. For what type of business does Ms. Hollander most likely work?

168. According to the e-mail, when will Ms. Hollander receive another e-mail from Eatery Source?

Questions 169-171 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Tronica LLC Customer Service
To: Nossis Software Subscribers
Date: 14 September
Subject: Version 3.1

Dear Nossis Software Subscribers,

Later this month, Tronica LLC will release version 3.1 of Nossis, our online software for creating commercial artwork. Beginning at 11 p.m. GMT on 29 September, Nossis will be unavailable while our technicians roll out the new version. You need take no action. We will back up all portfolios containing customer files stored in our online database; thus, they will be fully protected during the process. All users will be notified on the morning of 30 September upon completion of the process. After receiving the notification, customers can resume using Nossis.

New features include a redesigned interface for streamlined workflow, innovative design themes, new backgrounds and fonts, and interactive tracking tools for markups and revisions. We are confident that you will enjoy these new features.


Tronica LLC Customer Service

169. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

170. What does the e-mail indicate will happen on September 29 ?

171. The phrase “roll out” in paragraph 1, line 3. is closest in meaning to

Questions 172-175 refer to the following article.

Saying Yes to Financial Success

EDINBURGH (3 April)- Yolanda Abascal had intended to study fashion design when she first entered university in Manchester 30 years ago. But while working one summer at a small clothing boutique, she discovered a love for retail. - [1] -. To pursue her new dream, she earned a busine~s degree instead and opened a small store m her hometown of Edinburgh called Say Yes To Yolanda.

Fast-forward to today, and Ms. Abascal's small store has expanded to a successful enterprise that earns millions of pounds each year. - [2] - . _This success i_s in part due to the magic of V1haan Kulkarni, whom Ms. Abascal hired four years ago to develop a parallel virtual store, YesYolanda.com. It was Mr. Kulkarni's idea to rename the flagship store Yes Yolanda to match its digital identity.

Ms. Abascal is a strong proponent of personal interaction, and she loves engaging with her customers. - [3] - . However, she realizes that an online presence is important. Yes Yolanda expects earnings from online sales alone to rise to more than £140 million this year. Nearly two-thirds of these sales will come from outside Scotland, mainly the United States, Singapore, and Australia.

Yes Yolanda's workforce has expanded accordingly. Besides hiring people with technical skills to update and run the Web site, the company has just added an in-house photography studio.

"The studio ensures that items are photographed in a timely fashi~? f~r o~line display," said Ms. Abascal. This 1s a necessity, since new products are added every week." - [4] - .

Although Ms. Abascal says she does not know what the future holds, it would seem that the only direction for Yes Yolanda is up.

172. What is the purpose of the article?

173. What is indicated about Yes Yolanda?

174. The word “fashion” in paragraph 5, line 2, is closest in meaning to

175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“She still believes she can best meet their needs when they shop at her physical store.”

Questions 176-180 refer to the following online form and e-mail.

httP://www.quipwerxsoftware.com/ suppon_request

Quipwerx Support Request Form

Complete and submit this form to create a support ticket number. We will e-mail you a response within 24 hours.

Name: Agnes Kowalski
Company: Alexsy Corporation
E-mail Address: akowalski@alexsycorp.net
Subject: Web-conferencing issues

Please describe the problem you are experiencing.

We started using your Web-conferencing software in June and have been pleased with it overall. Yesterday, however, we had several interruptions in service during an important training session. In the middle of our meeting, the screen suddenly went black and a notice appeared stating, "Quipwerx is down for maintenance." Several employees were calling in from overseas, and after this notice appeared multiple times, we decided to reschedule. Is there a way for you to inform us of your maintenance schedule in advance? If not, I will probably terminate my membership. I must be confident that I can use your product anytime I need it.

To: Agnes Kowalski <akowalski@alexsycorp.net>
From: Quipwerx Support <support@quipwerxsoftware.com>
Date: July 29
Subject: Ticket 000125659 - Web-Conferencing Issues

Dear Ms. Kowalski,

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. The issue you had this past Wednesday was caused by servers that crashed due to a database communication issue. We could not anticipate this problem, so we were unable to warn customers in advance. I assure you that this type of occurrence is very rare.

In light of your comments, we have decided to reword our alert message from "down for maintenance" to "experiencing technical difficulties." That way customers will know the problem is due to unforeseen circumstances rather than routine maintenance. As a matter of fact, our software is hardly ever down for maintenance. When we work on an upgrade, the software is unavailable for just a few minutes, if at all.

We regret the inconvenience this has caused you and are truly grateful for your feedback. In appreciation of your business, we will be waiving the service fee on your company account for this month.

Cindy Trautman, Quipwerx Support

176. What does Ms. Kowalski request on the online form?

177. What is suggested about Ms. Kowalski?

178. What is Ms. Kowalski’s complaint regarding Quipwerx conferencing software?

179. What does Ms. Trautman say Quipwerx will change?

180. What is indicated about Alexsy Corporation?

Questions 181-185 refer to the following e-mail and instructions.

From: He-Ran Kim, Wheeling Travel Associates
To: Mihir Sukbara
Subject: Travel Plans for Sports Trade Show
Sent: 3 July
Attachment: 📎 Sydney-Perth Itinerary

Dear Mr. Sukbara,

Per your request, I have reserved your round-trip ticket to Perth. Departure from Sydney is 20 July, and return from Perth is 24 July, which should perfectly accommodate your 21-23 July Trade Show. The itinerary is attached.

In reply to your question whether your samples can be brought along, the skis and snowboards can be checked as luggage. My contact at Canberra Airways tells me there is a $75 AUD fee for each piece of oversized luggage. If this fee is paid in advance, oversized items can be dropped at the express drop-off kiosk when you check in. Make sure that your items do not exceed the airline's maximum allowable weight and size requirements. Please let me know how many items you wish to check so that I can make the prepayment for you.


He-Ran Kim
Wheeling Travel Associates

Express Luggage Drop-Off Service-Instructions

Upon arrival at the airport, please follow these simple steps:

1. Print out your boarding pass at any of our check-in kiosks as you enter the terminal.
2. Follow directions to the express drop-off kiosk and place your items on the scales. Show your photo ID and boarding pass to one of our agents, who will ask how many bags you are checking.
3. Our agent will tag your bags and return your papers so you can proceed to Security without delay.

NOTE: Express drop-off service is currently available only in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

181. According to the e-mail, why is Mr. Sukbara most likely going to Perth?

182. What is true about Mr. Bukhara’s oversized luggage?

183. What does Ms. Kim offer to do for Mr. Sukbara?

184. What is indicated about a boarding pass?

185. What is suggested about Mr. Sukbara regarding his return flight?

Questions 186-190 refer to the following Web page, e-mail, and article


New Start Home

New Start Home stores accept donations of new or used furniture. appliances. housewares, and building materials. Items should be in good condition. Items that require repair or are stained or ripped cannot be accepted. Proceeds from the sale of our goods are used to fund community projects, such as educational programs, housing renovations, and neighborhood park beautification.

How to donate:

1. Using our home screen, find the New Start Home nearest you by entering your address into the search box.
2. Drop off your unneeded goods yourself or contact your nearest location to schedule pickup of large items or bulk donations from your home or business.
3. Please check our Web site for the hours of each store location.
From: bmorris@morriscountryinn.com
To: aperez@newstarthome.org
Date: March 27
Re: Donation

Dear Mr. Perez,

I am the owner of the Morris Country Inn in Canton. It will be closing permanently when I retire next month. I have many pieces of furniture in excellent condition- beds, desks, easy chairs, and more. A friend suggested that this inventory could be donated to your organization. The New Start Home branch in Hartford seems to be the closest to my inn, and I see that you are the store manager there. We are located almost 35 miles away. Can I arrange a pickup of these goods at my establishment?


Brenda Morris
Morris Country Inn

Morris Country Inn Shutting Its Doors

CANTON (April 27)-Brenda Morris watched the New Start Home truck drive away, full of furnishings from the Morris Country Inn. She has been the owner-operator of the inn, a local landmark, for 40 years. "I am happy to be heading to Seaview Point, with its beaches and warm weather," remarked Ms. Morris. "And I now plan to spend time volunteering and just relaxing. But the inn has been a big part of my life, and it will be hard leaving this community."

The property that the Morris Country Inn currently stands on has been sold to the Brent Valley Development Group, which plans to convert the building into apartment units over the coming year.

186. According to the Web page, what does New Start Home do with items it receives?

187. How did Ms. Morris most likely learn the name of a manager at New Start Home?

188. What is indicated about Ms. Morris in the e-mail?

189. What is suggested about the New Start Home branch in Hartford?

190. According to the article, where is Ms. Morris planning to live next?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails and order form.

To: Imogen Chambers <ichambers@championos.com>
From: Reginald Lee <rlee@cooperandcolsonlaw.org>
Re: Office supplies order
Date: March 20

Dear Ms. Chambers,

We have a standing order filled by Champion Office Supply, with automatic delivery to us on the first day of each month. I am writing because we would like to modify our usual order for the upcoming month as outlined on the attached form. Please note that we would like the ink toner that we have ordered in the past to be replaced by a different brand as indicated. Furthermore, we would like to add item WB918 to the order only this month, as we have recently hired new attorneys and we are preparing additional office spaces for them. Please use our credit card account that you have on file.

We continue to be pleased with the quality of your merchandise, especially the recycled stationery products with our firm's logo.

Thank you.

Reginald Lee, Office Manager
Cooper and Colson Law

Order for: Cooper and Colson Law
Delivery date: April 1
Contact: Reginald Lee
Item Description Item No. Qtty. Price Per Unit Itemized Total
Printed letterhead LH228 10 Reams 54.00 540.00
Whiteboard pens WP263 10 PKGs. of 4 4.99 49.90
Cytronics ink toner cartridge CP576 8 42.00 336.00
Witeglow Magnetic Whiteboard (50" x 35") WB918 4 79.99 319.96

Champion Office Supply

Tax: 74.75
Total: $1320.61
To: Reginald Lee <rlee@cooperandcolsonlaw.org>
From: Imogen Chambers <ichambers@championos.com>
Re: Office supplies order
Date: March 21

Dear Mr. Lee,

We would be happy to accommodate your requests as outlined on your order form. Unfortunately, however, we are currently out of the Witeglow brand whiteboards. I can recommend another brand of magnetic whiteboard that has been well liked by other customers, called Stellar Whiteboards. They are considered the best on the market. They are typically $85 each, but I am willing to provide four at the same cost of the Witeglow brand, if you would like to give them a try. Just let me know. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Imogen Chambers

191. What is the purpose of the first e-mail?

192. In the first e-mail, what is indicated about Cooper and Colson Law?

193. What product is Mr. Lee particularly pleased with?

194. What item number identifies a replacement for a regularly ordered product?

195. How much will the law firm pay for each Stellar brand whiteboard?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following schedule and e-mails.

Brenton Solutions
Building 3 Conference Room Calendar
Mondays in March

This schedule shows the meetings regularly scheduled in conference rooms on Mondays in the month of March. Keep in mind that management may request a room with minimal advance notice. If this occurs, you may contact Janet Marten at jmarten@brentonsolutions.com to inquire about rooms in other buildings on campus.

Time Slot Room 3A
(Capacity: 35)
(Capacity: 50)
Morning 1
9:00-10:00 A.M.
Available Sales Team
(Use Room 3A for dividing into project groups, if necessary.)
Morning 2
10:30-11:45 A.M.
Human Resources Summer Events Planning
Afternoon 1
2:00-2:45 P.M.
Customer Service Technology and Engineering
Afternoon 2
3:00-4:00 P.M.
Available Marketing Group
To: Team Leaders
From: Janet Marten
Subject: Conference Room Calendars
Date: February 27

To All Team Leads:

Please be informed that both Building 3 conference rooms will be unavailable throughout the day on Monday, March 12, as our division of Brenton Solutions will be hosting the Corporate Management team. These meetings are expected to begin promptly at 9:30 A.M. and to extend one full hour past the time that afternoon meetings usually end. Any team leads in need of conference space on this date should send me their request no later than Friday by replying directly to this e-mail. Space will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Thanks!

Janet Marten, Corporate Secretary

To: All Employees
From: Janet Marten
Subject: Monday Schedule Change
Date: March 5

Please make note of the following changes to the meeting room schedule because of management meetings on March 12. Temporary room assignments are:

-Morning 1 meetings will take place in rooms SA and 5B. Please divide the space as needed.

-The marketing group will be meeting in 4B in the Afternoon 1 time slot.

Keep in mind that these rooms are both meeting spaces that have limited capacity, so please plan accordingly. Meetings not addressed above are canceled. Any questions regarding meetings or cancellations should be directed to team leads. Meeting notes will be posted electronically in the usual location for those who are unable to attend.

196. According to the schedule, what is true about Brenton Solutions?

197. Why should team leads reply to the first e-mail?

198. When will the Corporate Management visit most likely end?

199. Who will NOT have a meeting on March 12?

200. What is indicated about employees who miss a meeting?

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