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ETS - TOEIC 2021 - Reading (Test 1)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Mr. Sokolov -------------- a positive review of his stay at the Olana Hotel.

102. The manager often leads new employees through the safety procedures -------------- .

103. The corporate fitness center is equipped ------------------ fourteen stationary bicycles.

104. Professor Phuong will go over the use of the laboratory ------------------ with the interns next week.

105. Arnby Cable ----------------- £25.00 to all Internet subscribers after the weeklong service interruption.

106. The board of directors will meet next Monday to examine the current hiring -------------------------

107. Passengers should not leave their seats --------------------- a flight attendant gives them permission to do so.

108. The goal of the committee was to evaluate the company’s bylaws and offer ------------------ for improvement.

109. The building’s new ventilation system circulates heat much ---------------------- than before.

110. Giowood Appliances promises customers their money back -------------- they are not satisfied with their purchase.

111. The theater doors will close and the show will start at precisely 8:00 p.m., so guests are reminded to be ---------------.

112. All vacation requests must be made to your supervisor ------------------------- the requested date.

113. Most banks now offer clients the option of receiving their statements electronically or ------------------------ mail.

114. Construction at Langhall Plaza is going so well that shops might open before the expected ---------------- date.

115. Kohmek, Inc., is seeking a suitable site --------------------- the construction of its electronics factory.

116. Studies show that the average audience forms its ---------------------- of the speaker within the first few seconds of the presentation.

117. Mr. Cutler has been asked to ------------------------ domestic sales of low-calorie beverages.

118. Cranford Culinary Academy offers 35 different classes for -------------------- chefs.

119. -------------------- , items sold at the Scottville Craft Fair are unique and of very high quality.

120. Mamton Home Furnishings ----------------- customized furniture in Pennsylvania for more than a century.

121. Please hold any phone calls for Ms. Tanaka ---------------------------- she will be in meetings all day.

122. Dolores Gutierrez excels as an estate planning attorney who helps clients manage their assets ---------------------.

123. Mr. Singh was -------------------------- about sales of the fragrance after the first round of customer focus groups.

124. Data from the finance department was used to -------------------------- predict the company’s future expenses.

125. Immediately after the decrease in production was announced, everyone began discussing how -------------- would impact work schedules.

126. Every year Arrow Mill, Inc., processes a --------------------- amount of grain.

127. Tomorrow morning, both escalators in the store will be turned off periodically in order to perform ---------------------- maintenance.

128. Those who wish to volunteer at the annual Sebastian Park flower-planting event this Saturday -------------- to arrive early.

129. Although Mr. Yanamura’s theory is ---------------------- controversial, it does help explain the latest changes in the market.

130. A recent------------------- found that property values in the Agate Valley region had increased by 3 percent between January and June.

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