Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

ETS - TOEIC 2021 - Reading (Test 2)

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 131 -134 refer to the following job advertisement.

Berestoff Ltd. ____(131)_____ a professional procurement officer to oversee bidding and procurement processes in all company departments. This employee will draft advertisements, prepare contract documents, process bids, ____(132)_____ provide training on policy and procedures to company personnel.

The position requires a two-year degree in business administration or a related field. The ____(133)_____ must have a minimum of three years experience as an office manager in a corporate environment, including recent experience in procurement ____(134)_____ .





Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Hong Kong Office Staff
From: Wai-Lun Yeung
Date: Monday, 4 January
Subject: Interns


Dear Colleagues,

I am writing ____(135)_____ you that two university students will be arriving next week and beginning their six-week internships in the Hong Kong office. Their duties will ____(136)_____ consist of helping the Corporate Social Responsibility team organise their plans for the coming year. Both interns have strong backgrounds in responsible business practices. As such, they will be well suited to their ____(137)_____.

The interns will be using the vacant office in the east wing ____(138)_____ .

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

All best,

Wai-Lun Yeung





Questions 139-142 refer to the following memo.

To: All staff
From: Management
Date: October 10
Re: Move to new office


Preparations for the move to our new office are scheduled to take place on Thursday and Friday of next week ____(139)_____ for this are going to be distributed to each employee’s cubicle in advance.

Boxes, tape, and markers ____(140)_____ on Wednesday afternoon. As you pack your belongings, please write your name and employee number on the top and sides of each box ____(141)_____ . A human resources employee will come around and record this number to ensure that all of your boxes are returned to you.

Please take any valuables home with you by Wednesday. The company will not be responsible for the loss of any items during the move. No open food items may be packed ____(142)_____ unoPened packaged food, such as candy and crackers, may be boxed.

Thank you for your cooperation.





Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Rudolf Crowley <rcrowiey@crowley.com.au>
From: Dafina Ndashe <dndashe@millview-australia.com.au>
Subject: Decision on proposal
Date: 12 August


Dear Mr. Crowley:

I am pleased to inform you that at the Tuesday night meeting the city council approved your proposal to build an inn at 17 Dickinson Street. You ____(143)_____ a formal letter of approval this week.

____(144)_____ Specifically, they were concerned about noise and on-street parking. However, your ____(145)_____ that the inn would only serve breakfast to guests and would not have a restaurant open to the general public helped to persuade them ____(146)_____ they were pleased that the small parking area is tucked into the back of the property, so curbside parking along the street should not be affected.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Dafina Ndashe
Clerk, Millview City Council





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