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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Listening (Test 2)


Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. What did Starbright Corporation recently do?

72. What type of product does Starbright Corporation make?

73. What is available online?

74. What event is taking place?

75. What type of business does Mustafa Perez work for?

76. What has the speaker created for the event?

77. What does the speaker’s company produce?

78. What are the listeners reminded to do?

79. What can be found online?

80. What will the speaker do at a park?

81. Why does the speaker say, “but it’s supposed to be cloudy all day”?

82. What does the speaker remind the listener to do?

83. Where is the announcement being made?

84. Where should the listeners go at the end of their shifts?

85. What will happen tomorrow?

86. Where do the listeners work?

87. What does the speaker imply when she says, “Ms. Jenkins has retired”?

88. What will the listeners most likely do next?

89. What is scheduled for Friday?

90. Why does the speaker say, “the advertising business is very competitive”?

91. What does the speaker say about Isabel?

92. What type of business does the speaker most likely work for?

93. What is the speaker concerned about?

94. What does the speaker plan to do?

95. Who most likely is the speaker?

96. Look at the graphic. Which fee must be paid in cash?

97. What service does the speaker remind the listener about?

98. Who most likely is the speaker?

99. What event will take place in September?

100. Look at the graphic. Which type of instrument does the speaker focus on?

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