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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Listening (Test 3)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Why is the woman seeking a temporary position?

33. What skill does the woman have?

34. Why does the man tell the woman to come in on Wednesday?

35. Why does the man ask Rosa to go to Montreal?

36. What does the woman ask permission to do?

37. What will the man most likely do next?

38. Who is the man?

39. Why does the man apologize?

40. Why is Ms. Yamamoto asked to fill out a form?

41. Who will the woman give a presentation to?

42. What does the woman ask the man about?

43. What will the man do next?

44. What is the man concerned about?

45. Who is Stefan Vogel?

46. What will the speakers do this afternoon?

47. Where do the speakers work?

48. What does the man mean when he says, "And the rooms are so close together"?

49. What does the woman hope to do before June?

50. What type of product are the speakers discussing?

51. What is the woman frustrated by?

52. Why does the man say, “The school year is starting in three months”?

53. What does the women’s company sell?

54. Why is the man visiting the company?

55. What does the man ask the women to do?

56. What is the woman renovating?

57. What service does the man’s company provide?

58. According to the man, how is a cost determined?

59. Where does the woman work?

60. Who does the woman say she has hired?

61. What problem does the man mention?

62. Why is the woman calling?

63. Look at the graphic. Which drawer will the man probably check next?

64. What does the man say about some processes?

65. Where do the speakers work?

66. Look at the graphic. How much extra money will the man receive in his next paycheck?

67. What does the man say he will do with the extra money?

68. What is the woman planning a celebration for?

69. Look at the graphic. Which day is the man attending a music festival?

70. What does the woman say she will do next?

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