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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Listening (Test 4)


Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71. Who are the listeners?

72. What service does the speaker say will be unavailable?

73. According to the speaker, why should the listeners go online?

74. Where does the announcement most likely take place?

75. According to the speaker, what should customers be told?

76. What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?

77. Who most likely are the listeners?

78. What type of clothing does the company sell?

79. What does the speaker’s company hope to purchase?

80. What industry do the listeners most likely work in?

81. What does the speaker imply when he says, “But there is a lot of paperwork to fill out”?

82. What will the speaker do next?

83. According to the speaker, what event will be held tonight?

84. Why does the speaker say, “I’ll be driving to Holtsville from the office”?

85. What does the speaker say he needs to pick up?

86. Which department does the speaker most likely work for?

87. What does the speaker say recently happened?

88. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

89. Where do the listeners most likely work?

90. What is the speaker concerned about?

91. What does the speaker imply when he says, “we have technology interns starting next week”?

92. Where is the speaker?

93. What will happen next week?

94. What are visitors encouraged to do?

95. Where is the announcement being made?

96. Look at the graphic. Which lane is the express lane?

97. According to the speaker, what can the listeners receive assistance with?

98. Who most likely is the speaker?

99. What are the listeners asked to do?

100. Look at the graphic. On which date will there be a special guest?

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