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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Listening (Test 7)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Where most likely are the speakers?

33. What did the woman do in advance?

34. What does the woman say she will do?

35. Where most likely are the speakers?

36. What does the woman say will happen soon?

37. What does the man imply when he says, “They’re selling quickly”?

38. Where does the man most likely work?

39. What problem does the woman have?

40. What will the man borrow from one of his coworkers?

41. Where do the women work?

42. What is the man’s job?

43. What does Insook plan to do in the afternoon?

44. Why is the man calling?

45. What does the woman suggest the man do soon?

46. What does the man say he will do?

47. Why was the man late to work?

48. What is scheduled to be delivered today?

49. What business will the man call?

50. Who most likely is the woman?

51. What is a benefit of a new material?

52. What will the speakers do next?

53. What type of event are the speakers discussing?

54. What does the woman say attendees will receive?

55. What do the speakers need to do soon?

56. Who most likely is the man?

57. What does the woman imply when she says, “Our clients are interested in environmentally friendly products”?

58. What does the man say will take place on Friday?

59. Who is the man?

60. What does the woman say happened last week?

61. What does the man recommend doing?

62. What problem are the speakers mainly discussing?

63. Look at the graphic. Whose e-mail does the woman mention?

64. What event will happen this weekend?

65. What does the man say the store has recently done?

66. Look at the graphic. Which item will the store order?

67. What does the man say he will do next?

68. Who most likely are the speakers?

69. Look at the graphic. Which building does the man say he likes?

70. What does the woman ask the man to do?

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