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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Reading (Test 3)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following text-message chain.

Jun Kambayashi [10:12 A.M.]

Rachel, it looks as if Mr. Tanaka’s flight will be arriving 30 minutes earlier this afternoon. I’m on my way to pick him up.

Rachel Newman [10:13 A.M.]

The staff are excited that he finally is going to be working with us here. Do you think the two of you have time to stop here in the office before the end of the workday?

Jun Kambayashi [10:14 A.M.]

Probably. And I agree; Mr. Tanaka has done great work at our Chiba branch.

Rachel Newman [10:15 A.M.]

So I’ve always heard. It would be nice for him to get a quick tour of the lab and meet some members of the team before our welcome dinner.

Jun Kambayashi [10:16 A.M.]

Sounds good. Since flight schedules can be unpredictable, I’ll keep you posted as I arrive at the airport.

Rachel Newman [10:17 A.M.]

Perfect. See you later.

147. Who most likely is Mr. Tanaka?

148. At 10:16 a.m., what does Mr. Kambayash mean when he writes, “Sounds good”?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following e-maii.

From: jenkins@ourmarketfocus.au
To: hardesty @ gallusmail.au
Date: 11 August
Subject: Workshop Notice

Dear Ms. Hardesty,

This is to share an important change concerning the 18 August, 4 P.M. Marketing Skills Workshop. Because many more attendees have signed up, we have changed the location of our event to

The Rill Inn; PERTH

Please acknowledge you are aware of the update. I would appreciate it if you could treat this request as urgent and reply as soon as convenient. Should you have any questions about participation, you can e-mail me.

Thank you,

Andrew Jenkins
Workshop Organizer

149. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

150. What is Ms. Hardesty asked to do?

Questions 151-152 refer to the following advertisement.


Come to Virens for the best televisions, phones, tablets, and more!

Grand Opening Celebration
featuring comedian and DJ Declan Gibb from radio station KYX 93.8

Saturday, October 2, 10:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M.
234 Morris Avenue, next to Mike’s Pizza

Complimentary snacks from Sarahs Bakery—home of Sarahs delicious pastries!

Bring this ad for $5 off a purchase of $10 or more.
Valid throughout October.

151. What type of business is Virens?

152. According to the advertisement, what will happen on October 2 ?

Questions 153-154 refer to the following Web page.


Want to boost the health and morale of your employees? Office Nature delivers a box filled with delicious food right to your break room.

We focus on the following.

  • providing natural treats such as nuts, granola, and dried fruit
  • working with local farmers to provide the freshest options
  • reducing impact on the environment
  • offering foods at reasonable prices

Just choose your selections and delivery day, and a fresh box of healthy food items will be brought automatically each week. First-time customers receive 10% off their order with code YUM.

153. For whom is the Web page most likely intended?

154. What is indicated about Office Nature?

Questions 155-157 refer to the following magazine article.

Spotlight on Geiger Travel

Wanting to combine his passion for exploring places and cultures with his career as a corporate travel consultant, Marcus Geiger founded Geiger Travel Management (GTM). Now, ten years later, the company has offices in the United States, Canada, and several South American nations. It crafts itineraries and facilitates travel and accommodation arrangements for business professionals.

GTM also offers its clients secure, high-speed computers, conference call systems, and file management software through an agreement with Balefire Electronics, located in Mumbai. “We owe a lot of our success to Balefire,” says Mr. Geiger, “because their services enable our clients to work efficiently wherever they are.”

Mr. Geiger is optimistic that further growth is on the horizon for GTM. Two additional businesses, Apura Airways, based in Paramaribo, Suriname, and the restaurant chain Triggerfish, headquartered in Bridgetown, Barbados, have agreed to enter into strategic partnerships with GTM in August. And looking to launch operations in Europe, the company is currently in discussions with Krokushaus AG, a hospitality company with locations throughout Germany.

For more information about Geiger Travel Management, visit www.gtm.com.

155. What is indicated about Mr. Geiger?

156. What service does GTM offer?

157. GTM does NOT have an agreement in place with which company?

Questions 158-160 refer to the following press release.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  |  Contact: Sheryl in Stevens, sstevens@tearsoncorp.ca

CALGARY (2 November)—Yves Vernier, the Chief Information Officer of the Tearson Corporation, announced on Monday that 200 robots will soon appear in Tearson’s grocery stores. The robots, which are all named Bailey, will be used to locate areas where boxes or bottles have fallen and broken, spilling cereal, juice, or other substances onto the floor. The robots will report the spills so that the locations can be cleaned by store employees before they become safety hazards.

The robots were tested in Calgary, where Tearson’s head office is located. During the eighteen-month pilot programme, store managers consistently gave the robots high marks. Although the robots have been used in the company’s warehouses for several years, this will be their first time working in stores and interacting with customers. All Tearson stores should have the robots by the beginning of December.

For more information, visit Tearson Corporation at www.tearsoncorporation.ca.

158. What is the topic of the press release?

159. What can Bailey do?

160. What is suggested in the press release?

Questions 161-163 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Helen Dietrich <hdietrich@morphospublishing.ca>
To: Alia Cervantes <alia.cervantes@gotomail.ca>
Date: 3 March
Subject: Practical Gardening

Dear Ms. Cervantes:

I am sorry to report that next month’s issue of Practical Gardening will be our last. After 62 years of monthly issues, we at Morphos Publishing have decided that Practical Gardening will be among the periodicals that we must discontinue. We plan to redirect the resources gained through cost-cutting toward growing our book publishing and instructional video production businesses.

We are grateful for your support as a longtime subscriber to Practical Gardening. For the remainder of your subscription term, we hope you will allow us to instead send you Flora Discovery, our popular publication about wild plants. However, if you would rather have the balance of your subscription account refunded to you, please contact us at (822) 555-0127.


Helen Dietrich
Subscription Manager, Morphos Publishing

161. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

162. What most likely is Practical Gardening ?

163. The word “balance” in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to

Questions 164-167 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Lindsay Pokora (2:15 P.M.)

Hello, Mr. Kopalinski. I need to place the monthly office supplies order. In addition to the regular items, can you let me know if anything extra is needed?

Craig Kopalinski (2:17 P.M.)

Let me check with the other managers. Kaitlyn and Jeffrey, do you have any requests for office supplies in your departments?

Kaitlyn Daley (2:18 P.M.

) Yes, we need more whiteboard markers.

Craig Kopalinski (2:19 P.M.)

And how about accounting?

Jeffrey Carden (2:20 P.M.)

Nothing here.

Lindsay Pokora (2:22 P.M.)

Markers? I just checked our inventory and we still have a box in the supply room. Do you need a special kind?

Kaitlyn Daley (2:23 P.M.)

No, just regular black markers. Three boxes should be enough. I tried some markers from the box we have, but they seem to have dried up. A group of new employees will be starting next week, and we’ll need markers for the orientation and training sessions.

Craig Kopalinski (2:24 P.M.)

OK. Lindsay, in addition to those markers, could you please order a new chair for the second-floor conference room to replace the one that is broken? You’ll need to look up the model number. Thanks.

164. At 2:20 p.m., what does Mr. Carden most likely mean when he writes, “Nothing here”?

165. What problem does Ms. Daley report?

166. In what department does Ms. Daley most likely work?

167. What will Ms. Pokora most likely do next?

Questions 168-171 refer to the following email.

To: All staff
From: Jan Merchant
Date: October 15
Subject: Reginald Carmen

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to welcome Reginald Carmen to Edmonton Engineering Consultants, LLC. —[1]—.

With his expertise in engineering and education, Dr. Carmen will be a valuable addition to our distinguished staff. — [2] —. Upon graduating from university, he spent six years designing telecommunications systems for AstroPart, Inc. He comes to us directly from the Glasse School of Engineering, where he spent the past nineteen years. While there, he served as a full-time professor for ten years, teaching advanced mathematics and various special courses in engineering. He was then appointed president of the school and served in that position for the remaining nine years of his tenure. — [3] —. During that time, he led the team that redesigned the school’s electrical engineering curriculum. — [4] —.

Dr. Carmen’s first day will be next Tuesday.

Jan Merchant, Director of Personnel

168. Why did Ms. Merchant send the e-mail?

169. What is indicated about Dr. Carmen?

170. How long did Dr. Carmen teach at the Glasse School of Engineering?

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“He is thus the perfect choice for redesigning our client training modules.”

Questions 172-175 refer to the following review.

Patrons See Big-City Art At Local Museum

No need to venture into the big city to see an impressive art collection. — [1] —.

Locals know Janford as a quiet town situated next to a forest that is popular with hikers. — [2] -—. It is likewise home to Janford University and an unexpectedly outstanding museum. Considered one of the finest university art museums in the nation, the Janford University Art Museum (JUAM) houses over 94,000 pieces, with works dating from ancient times to the present. Due to the size of its collection, the museum regularly rotates the works on display. — [3] —. It also hosts temporary exhibitions featuring loans from other institutions.

Experts consider JUAM noteworthy as a home to a comprehensive collection of twentieth-century art. — [4] —. In particular, it holds the largest public collection of works by sculptor Robert Dabulis, with more than 50 of his pieces and an assortment of his sketches.

The museum offers free admission and is open daily from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. On Friday evenings, the museum has extended hours until 10 P.M.

172. What does the review indicate about the town of Janford?

173. What is mentioned about the museum?

174. What is most likely true about Mr. Dabulis?

175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Art enthusiasts can find it right here in Janford.”

Questions 176-180 refer to the following order form and e-mail.

Ready Barn

Order: #13565
Date: June 3
Delivery: 24-hour Express Shipping
Shipping Address: Helen Kang 45 Skyrise Road Newten, NY 12039
Payment Method: Credit Card-Jay Shim

Item Number Description Price
7563 Countertop Electric Grill $49
7564 Egg Beater $14
7565 Tea Kettle $27
7566 Toaster $56
7567 Cheese Grater $16
24-hour Express Shipping $20
TOTAL $182

To: customerservice@readybarn.com
From: jayshim@silyex.com
Subject: Order #13565
Date: June 6


I recently placed an order (#13565) with Ready Barn. The items I purchased are housewarming gifts for my niece, Helen Kang, who recently purchased a new home. Therefore, her address was provided as the delivery destination. I paid higher shipping fees for 24-hour delivery, as I wanted the items to arrive well ahead of the housewarming party being held tomorrow evening. Several days have passed, and my niece has yet to receive these items. I would appreciate it if you could find out what has happened and let me know when my niece can expect delivery. Also, I would like to ask you to return the money I paid for expedited shipping.

Additionally, I do not recognize item number 7564 that I was charged $14 for on my receipt. Please let me know how to send it back.

I am a longtime customer of Ready Barn, and I am usually very satisfied with your products and services. Please reply as soon as possible.


Jay Shim

176. What most likely does Ready Barn specialize in?

177. What is indicated about 45 Skyrise Road?

178. What does Mr. Shim request in his e-mail?

179. What item did Mr. Shim not intend to buy?

180. According to the e-mail, what is true about Mr. Shim?

Questions 181-185 refer to the following email and boarding pass.

To: Yong-Sun Che <ysche@buztech.com>
From: Ginny Redman <gredman@silvervaleair.com>
Subject: RE: Seat problem
Date: February 12
Attachment: 📎 Voucher

Dear Mr. Che:

Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent flight. We apologize for the discomfort you experienced during your flight because of the nonfunctioning air-conditioning vent above your seat.

We value you as a customer and want to make sure your experience with Silvervale Air is positive, so we have attached Voucher 789798 in the amount of $200. This may be applied to a future domestic flight with us. The voucher expires after twelve months.

Thank you for choosing Silvervale Air.


Ginny Redman
Silvervale Air Customer Service

Passenger: Mr. Yong-Sun Che
Ticket number: 0272125899649
Confirmation code: CM0AAB

Flight Departs Arrives Seat
Silvervale Air 29 Atlanta, GA(ATL)
Mon.,May 6
11:43 A.M.
Los Angeles, CA(LAX)
Mon.,May 6
1:35 P.M.

Summary of airfare charges
Base fare $259.54
Taxes and fees $33.76
Voucher 789798 -$200.00
Total $93.3 0

All passengers are entitled to travel with one complimentary carry-on and one checked bag.

181. Why did Ms. Redman e-mail Mr. Che?

182. In the e-mail, the phrase “applied to” in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to

183. What does Ms. Redman mention about Voucher 789798 ?

184. What can be inferred from the boarding pass about Mr. Che?

185. What is indicated about Silvervale Air fliqht 29 ?

Questions 186-190 refer to the following meeting minutes, email, and article.

Coffer Digital Management Steering Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 12

1. Re-pitch is ready to be pilot tested.

2. The pilot test will be carried out during the first quarter of the fiscal year, January 3-March 31.

3. Five existing clients will use the experimental version of Re-pitch during the pilot test. They will then take a survey to rate the software's effectiveness, ease of use, and affordability.

4. If the Re-pitch pilot is successful, a large dollar investment will be needed to design and run an extensive marketing campaign.

5. Our company president will explore potential funding sources for this campaign.

To: sales @ coffer.com
From: tcao @ ewest-taipei.com.tw
Date: 13 April
Subject: Pilot test

Dear Coffer Digital,

I wanted to follow up after having just submitted our thoughts regarding your Re-pitch marketing software. You will find that our pilot-test feedback is overwhelmingly positive, which is why we would like to be notified immediately upon the rollout of this product. We are very eager to add Re-pitch to our permanent digital marketing efforts.


Ting Cao, Director of Global Internet Marketing
Ewest Clothing Ltd., Taipei

Business Briefs

Coffer Digital closed a deal yesterday with GPZ Capital. GPZ will make a significant investment in Coffer Digital, enabling the funding of a new online marketing application called Re-pitch. This sales-boosting software works by generating a pop-up window that reminds online shoppers of products they have already viewed, after they have navigated away from the product page.

GPZ’s knowledge of data and marketing has enabled them to make successful investments in three other software development firms in the past five years. Coffer Digital’s strong company reputation and top-notch employees easily support GPZ’s decision to invest. “Coffer Digital has a solid plan for distributing Re-pitch, so it was an easy decision to invest with them,” said Jessica Gould, spokesperson for GPZ.

186. According to the meeting minutes, what is indicated about the pilot test?

187. What did Mr. Cao do?

188. What does Mr. Cao request?

189. According to the article, what does Re-pitch do?

190. How will Coffer Digital most likely use the funds from GPZ Capital?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following article. e-mail. and sign.


(May 23) Harrison City Airport’s Terminal C will reopen to the public on June I following a two-year renovation project.

The project added eleven new gates, allowing the terminal to accommodate more flights. The three major airlines that used Terminal C before the renovation will now be back in operation there. Also at Terminal C will be newcomer Paik Airways, a regional carrier that is expanding its routes.

The terminal’s new lobby features an efficient check-in process and a state-of-the-art baggage-handling system. Passengers will enjoy free Wi-Fi in the waiting area, which also contains shops and restaurants.

At one point during the renovations, it looked as if the construction team would miss its deadline. An environmental impact review conducted by the city questioned the placement of a parking lot. The planners solved the problem by moving the parking lot to the other side of the airport and instituting a shuttle bus service.

“Thanks to the cooperative efforts of all stakeholders, the project was completed by the deadline with no budget overage,” said Arturo Benetti, the airport’s chief operating officer. “The improvements to Terminal C will enable us to continue providing Harrison City with safe, comfortable air travel.”

From: Thomasina Yee cthomasina.yee@cooverbrothers.com>
To: Sven Paulsen csven.paulsen@cooverbrothers.com>
Date: July 6
Subject: Meeting with Slonim Company buyers

Hello, Sven,

I’m at the Harrison City Airport to catch the 3:30 flight home, but I want to give you a quick update. The meeting at Slonim went well. They are very pleased with Coover Brothers products and expect to double their orders next year. In fact, they offered to feature our bedroom and dining room sets at the upcoming Home and Garden Exposition. I’ll give you all the details tomorrow.




Airline Flight Gate Time Dest Status
Bright-way BR417 11 1:25 Detroit ON TIME
Planet PL700 3 2:06 Omaha Canceled
Paik PA069 24 3:00 Cleve-land ON TIME
Wind-rover WI645 6 3:30 Chicago Delayed

191. Why was it necessary to change the location of a parking lot?

192. What does Mr. Benetti emphasize about Terminal C?

193. What products does Coover Brothers most likely manufacture?

194. What is implied about Brightway Airlines?

195. What is suggested about Ms. Yee?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following brochure. form. and e-mail.

ZELL Exteriors

Zell Exteriors’ metal roofing products offer many advantages over traditional roofing materials.

Benefit 1—Weather resistance:

Technology that provides greater protection from hail, wind, and rain

Benefit 2-Wide selection:

Large selection of panel types, trim options, and paint colors to choose from

Benefit 3-Satisfaction guarantee:

30-year warranty for added peace of mind

Benefit 4-Established reputation:

Quality roofing from a trusted company

For questions about specific products or to request a quote from our sales staff, complete our online contact form. All our roofing panels are fabricated at one of our regional manufacturing facilities, precut to the necessary dimensions for your roof, and shipped to a branch near you. Our professional installers will then take it from there.

Name: Gus Keenan
E-mail: g.keenan@autoewrite.net
Phone: 555-0188

I have been looking at various roofing materials, and the wide range of paint options makes your company my top choice. My shed building is an odd shade of purple, and I want to find a color that complements it. But I have a question. I would like the new metal roof to be placed on top of the old shingle roof I have. This would save money on time, labor, and disposal. Is that something you recommend? I have spent a lot of time reading online forums for professional contractors, and there are mixed opinions about this.

To: g.keenan@autoewrite.net
From: nshertz@zellexteriors.com
Date: May 20
Subject: Roofing Inquiry
Attachment: 📎 Zell Exteriors catalog

Dear Mr. Keenan, A sales representative will contact you by phone within 48 hours, but first please look over the attached product catalog. Here are the four basic roofing types that we offer: SLP Snap Lock - Steel panels with a locking feature that enables rapid installation. XM Panel - Aluminum panels with superior corrosion resistance. Ideal for wet climates. QR Rigid - Low-cost panels that can be installed directly on top of an existing roof. WT Panel - Our most durable commercial-grade steel. Available only in white and gray.

Thank you,

Nicola Shertz, Administrative Assistant, Zell Exteriors

196. What does the brochure mention about Zell Exteriors?

197. Considering Mr. Keenan’s comments, what listed benefit is probably most attractive to him?

198. What does the form indicate about Mr. Keenan?

199. What kind of roofing product will Mr. Keenan most likely select?

200. What does Ms. Shertz tell Mr. Keenan?

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