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ETS - TOEIC 2022 - Reading (Test 7)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Please direct all questions about --------------- recent order to the customer care center.

102. Ms. Wu was the ------------------ of the contest, and she may collect her prize next week.

103. For a ----------------- time, Marco Bank is offering first-time customers a $100 bonus when they open an account.

104. A ----------------- greenhouse donated several potted plants to beautify the lobby of the city hall.

105. The attached document shows how to report any ----------------- incurred during business travel.

106. Nonmembers may use the gym if they pay a daily admission --------------- and sign a guest waiver.

107. Sharik Pharmaceuticals will host a company picnic for ------------------------ employees at Hain Park.

108. Call Bowton Chimney for a complete inspection and cleaning -------------------------- winter starts.

109. Ikeda Real Estate Group now ------------------ text messages to update clients about properties of interest.

110. According to our records, you are ----------------------- for your annual checkup at Dr. Bareli’s office.

111. The employee help desk will be moved to room 530 ------------------ the Human Resources offices are being renovated.

112. Bray Farm Mart is located --------------- Elm Road, near its intersection with Wye Lane.

113. Our office offers -------------------- hours to provide our customers with additional flexibility.

114. The Arraneo Group has created an online --------------------------- specifically to encourage sales among young people.

115. Corracar Ltd. is -------------------------looking for new ways to expand its transportation network.

116. Employees may bring their lunch to the meeting and enjoy it --------------- the presentation.

117. The merchandise at Logan’s Clothing requires --------------- at the beginning of each season.

118. Interns must complete and return the new hire --------------- by their first day of work.

119. Weekday dining at Jake’s Downtown Bistro is by reservation only ------------------- the high volume of customers.

120. Should anyone need to ----------------- with Ms. De Sola, be sure to do so prior to today’s meeting.

121. Mr. Lau looks forward to meeting the ---------------------- students at the Career Day event.

122. Please ----------------- daily spending records, since online balance statements may not reflect recent account activity.

123. Mr. Bhatt ------------------ promotes people within the company, but he recently went outside of the organization to replace the Facilities Director.

124. The National Health Agency’s latest report -------------------------- that recently adopted health-care regulations have been successful.

125. -----------------who wants to attend the luncheon next week must tell Ms. Hasegawa by noon tomorrow.

126. Once orders are processed by the sales office, they are ----------------------within 48 hours.

127. Profits at Talhee Beverage Co. rose about 4 percent last year, according to new figures ----------------------- by the company.

128. ---------------------------- the CEO and the CFO are authorized to sign checks over $10,000.

129. There are multiple reasons --------------- cost to negotiate a new agreement.

130. Editors at Benchley Press are skilled at reading texts ----------------- to correct errors and polish the prose.

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