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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Listening (Test 9)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Where do the speakers most likely work?

33. What most likely is the man’s job?

34. What will the woman give the man?

35. Who most likely is the woman?

36. Why is the man calling?

37. What does the woman ask the man for?

38. What does the man ask the woman about?

39. What does the woman offer to do?

40. What will the man most likely do?

41. Who is Sofia?

42. What are the men curious about?

43. What will the speakers most likely do next?

44. What kind of product are the speakers discussing?

45. What does the woman say she is currently working on?

46. What is the man concerned about?

47. What does the woman hope to do this year?

48. What does the woman mean when she says, "some of the numbers in my presentation came from you”?

49. What does the man remind the woman about?

50. What does the man say will happen tomorrow?

51. Where do the speakers most likely work?

52. What does the man say he will do?

53. What did the man just do?

54. According to the man, why has a product become popular?

55. Why does Francesca interrupt the conversation?

56. Who most likely are the speakers?

57. Why does the woman say, "summer is the region’s busiest season”?

58. What does the woman offer to do?

59. What is the man making a payment for?

60. What problem does the woman describe?

61. What does the woman promise the man?

62. Where does the man work?

63. Look at the graphic. Which day will the woman meet with Marcel Breton?

64. What does the woman ask for?

65. What type of business does the woman work for?

66. Look at the graphic. Where does the man want a logo to appear?

67. What is the man willing to pay extra for?

68. Who most likely are the speakers?

69. What is the woman concerned about?

70. Look at the graphic. Which song does the man suggest replacing?

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