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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Reading (Test 1)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following advertisement.

Harbis Stationery Store Clearance Sale
Prices indicated are for in-store purchases only.
500 Pinstone Street / SHEFFIELD / S12HN

Seasonal items

Box of ten preprinted seasonal cards (25% off) £ 8.99
Box of five customizable seasonal cards or invitations (50% off) £ 11.99
All school supplies 10% off
Box of 24 pens £ 1.79
Desk lamp £ 19.99
Wireless mouse £ 17.99
Backpack £ 29.99
Visit Harbis Stationery at www.harbisstationery.uk

147. What is indicated about Harbis Stationery Store?

148. What item is discounted by the greatest percentage?

Questions 149-150 refer to the fdllowing e-mail.

To: Wenbin Peng <wpeng@chenconstruction.com> From: Toshi Auto Group <cs@toshiautogroup.com> Date: February 26 Subject: Your leased vehicle

Dear Mr. Peng:

As you know, Toshi Auto Group handles all the service needs for cars leased by employees of Chen Construction. According to our records, you took possession of your leased car on March I of last year. Your car is now due for its required annual service and maintenance check. To book your appointment, please call us at (215) 555-0109 or visit us online at www.toshiautogroup.com/serviceappointments.


Toshi Auto Group
Customer Service

149. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

150. What is indicated about Chen Construction?

Questions 151-153 refer to the following article.

LONDON (2 February)—On Thursday, Tillford Press announced the launch of its new imprint, Tillford Exalt. This new line will feature books promoting healthy lifestyles, memoirs with uplifting messages, and volumes that provide guidance for special occasions such as birthdays and weddings. Tillford Exalt will also publish calendars and greeting cards that complement the main products.

Already contracted to write memoirs are the award-winning actress Alexia Leoz, London-based conductor and composer Seung-Hyun Bae, and celebrity cook Lain Lai. Ms. Lai’s story of her life and career will be the first to be launched. It is set for release in December.

Tillford vice president Frederick Bissett said the company saw a need for books that celebrated accomplishments and life events from multiple perspectives. “We wanted authors from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, and we think we’re off to a great start,” he said. He noted that Tillford Exalt’s authors were not always famous; the books will be exploring their beginnings, their everyday lives, their first jobs, their marriages and families—as well as their achievements.

Tillford Press is based in Manchester. It has offices in New York, Toronto, and Sydney, but its publications are sold throughout the world.

151. What is the main purpose of the article?

152. What is planned for December?

153. What does Frederick Bissett emphasize about Tillford Exalt?

Questions 154-155 refer to the following text-message chain.

Greg Skagen (8:58 A.M.)

Hi, Brenda. I'm here in the warehouse. All of my trainees have arrived, but I noticed the power door at Loading Dock B is acting up.

Brenda Sadauskas (8:59 A.M.)


Greg Skagen (8:59 A.M.)

When I push the button to open it, it raises all the way up but then drops back down to the closed position after about 30 seconds.

Brenda Sadauskas (9:00 A.M.)

I'll come down with the maintenance technicians. Why don't you bring your trainees to my area? You can teach them how to create shipping labels and then have them pack and label this morning's shipments.

Greg Skagen (9:02 A.M.)

Yes, that works.

Brenda Sadauskas (9:03 A.M.)

Thanks. Then you could show them the loading dock operations in the afternoon.

154. What problem does Mr. Skagen mention?

155. At 9:02 a.m., what does Mr. Skagen most likely mean when he writes, “Yes, that works”?

Questions 156-157 refer to the following form

Complete all fields and deliver to Technology Services (room 412).

Requester Name: Elenora beckow
Requester Office: Room 718
Requester Phone: Ext. 5709
Service Location: Room 500

Service Type (choose one):

▢ Cleaning | [X] Repair | ▢ Installation/Setup | ▢ Other

Description of Request

There is a problem with the television audio. When I played an online video, the image was fine, but I could not hear anything. I checked all the settings, and I was able to hear the same video on other televisions with no problem. I'm supposed to deliver a product demonstration for a client in room 500 next Monday, so I would greatly appreciate it if the issue can be fixed by this Friday.

156. Why was the form submitted?

157. What is Ms. Deckow planning to do next week?

Questions 158-161 refer to the following text-message chain.

Ella Glatt (11:34 A.M.)

Hi. I know this is a busy day, but I wanted to know whether anyone from the finance team could come to the marketing meeting.

Stef Goldberg (11:35 A.M.)

Hi, Ella. I wish I could, but it starts at 2:00. I need to be at a different meeting at 2:30.

Ella Glatt (11:36 A.M.)

Oh, right. I forgot you were going to the executive board meeting.

Daniel Seidal (11:36 A.M.)

I'm also supposed to go to the 2:30 meeting. Is it essential that one of us attend the marketing meeting?

Ella Glatt (11:37 A.M.)

Well, it would be helpful to have someone from the finance department there, at least for 15 minutes or so.

Bill Iverman (11:38 A.M.)

The quarterly reports just came in, and Daniel, Stef, and I need to review them by the end of the day.

Ella Glatt (11:39 A.M.)

You all have plenty to do.

Daniel Seidal (11:41 A.M.)

That's true! But I could come from 2:00 to 2:15. That's all I can commit to.

Ella Glatt (11:43 A.M.)

Sounds great. We just need one of you to clarify a few quick points about the budget for the next advertising campaign.

158. At what time will the executive board meeting begin?

159. In what area does Mr. Iverman most likely work?

160. Why does Ms. Glatt want a colleague to attend a meeting?

161. At 11:43 a.m., what does Ms. Glatt most likely mean when she writes, “Sounds great”?

Questions 162-165 refer to the following e-mail.

To: amal.abboud@bunzifoundation.org
From: I maria mcfarland@myemail.com
Date: Thursday, August 22
Subject: Project Coordinator Position
Attachment: 📎 résumé_m_mcfarland.pdf

Dear Mr. Abboud,

My friend Josiah Wilkins told me that you are seeking a project coordinator for your company. I have a degree in business administration and am attaching my resume as I think I am an excellent fit for your needs. As you will see, I have experience using several cloud-based project-management programs. Furthermore, my organizational skills enable me to coordinate multiple activities simultaneously, and I can convey expectations clearly to team members involved in each phase of a project.

My current role as project coordinator for an international engineering firm, where I have worked for the past five years, has also afforded me ample experience managing teams, schedules, and budgets. While I enjoy the kind of work I do, it has become clear to me that I need motivation from a strong mission. The goal of your company to create sustainable housing projects is something that I strongly support and would be delighted to work on.

Through my work and volunteer activities, I have spent many months abroad in various countries throughout Asia and the Middle East. This seems particularly relevant to mention, as I am comfortable leading geographically and culturally diverse teams.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards.

Maria McFarland

162. What does Ms. McFarland mention about Mr. Wilkins?

163. The word “convey” in paragraph 1, line 5, is closest in meaning to

164. Why does Ms. McFarland want to leave her current position?

165. Why does Ms. McFarland mention her travels?

Questions 166-168 refer to the following Web page,


About Our Company

Trexdale Supply specializes in designing, producing, and installing furniture for all types of scientific laboratories. We provide a range of fully assembled cabinets, workstations, benches, and more, all made exclusively at our production facility in Dallas, Texas. Our lab furniture is available in a wide variety of sizes and configurations to match the needs of any research application.

Our business offers products as well as design-consulting services. For start-up labs, we have a team of consulting specialists available to evaluate your facility’s specific needs and assist you in arranging your space and choosing the most suitable furniture. Recently, for example, we were chosen by a major producer of biofuels to provide expert help in changing the layout of a research laboratory to maximize available space. As a result of this project, this client has realized substantial savings by reducing energy usage in the lab.

Please visit the “Lab Planning” section of this Web site if you are interested in learning more about building or renovating a laboratory facility. There, you can fill out an interest form to contact one of our consultants about your next project.

166. What does Trexdale Supply make?

167. What did Trexdale Supply do in a recent project?

168. What method of communicating with Trexdale Supply is mentioned?

Questions 169-171 refer to the following job advertisement.


Are you outgoing and enthusiastic? — [1 ] —. Do you enjoy talking to all types of people? Put your personality and communication skills to work! — [2] —. BBD Staffing is seeking to hire in-store product demonstrators to promote our clients' merchandise to shoppers. — [3] —. As a member of our team, you will demonstrate a wide range of small kitchen appliances and tools in grocery stores and other retail venues.

For some products, you will be required to prepare simple recipes. You will also need to answer shoppers' questions. Thus, it is essential that you can become familiar with clients' products and provide key information to consumers. Because many of the demonstrations require working with food, candidates must have a Professional Food Handler certificate. — [4] —.

To apply, upload a video of no more than one minute in length telling us why you would be a successful product demonstrator at www.bbdstaffing.com/applications.

169. What work experience would best qualify a candidate for the position?

170. According to the advertisement, what should people interested in applying do next?

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Many of the world’s best-known brands rely on our product demonstrators to generate positive impressions of their products.”

Questions 172-175 refer to the following article.

Gorman Unveils Newest Smartphone Model

LONDON (20 April)—Gorman Mobile unveiled its newest smartphone to an eager reception at the annual Technobrit Conference. The Pro Phone 4, which includes 512 GB of storage, a 7-inch screen display, and an optional stylus pen, will hit the shelves on 11 June. Unlike its predecessor—the Pro Phone 3—it features a larger screen, an ultrawide camera lens, and 8K-resolution filming capability.

—[1]—. The £999 starting price is £100 more than that of the previous model. Add-ons. such as the stylus pen. protective case, and wireless headphones, cost an additional £39. £59, and £79, respectively.

Gorman Product Manager Ian Hill doesn’t believe the price increase will dissuade customers. — [2] —.

“The Pro Phone 4 is a game changer in terms of its picture quality and sleek design,” said Hill. “Improvements were based on direct customer feedback, which cited the poor camera functionality as the biggest drawback of prior models. Our clients spoke, and we listened and adapted accordingly.” — [3] —.

One similarity that the Pro Phone 4 has with previous models is the charger. Going against the trend of competing wireless companies, Gorman is instead focusing on convenience.

“We want to afford our customers the ability to reuse elements of the other Gorman devices they’ve already purchased,” said Hill. “Why add to the overload of cables already in circulation?” — [4] —.

172. What is the purpose of the article?

173. How much do the Gorman Pro Phone 4 wireless headphones cost?

174. What does the Pro Phone 4 have in common with prior models?

175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“These upgrades do come at a cost."

Questions 176-180 refer to the following work order and e-mail.


Requester: Xi, Gina
Date Entered: Wednesday, 9 April
Date Due: Thursday, 10 April
Type: Technology end-user request
Summary: Voice-mail security settings
Technician Assigned: Arnold, Sam
Computer Workstation ID: HYS31


Is it possible to remove the new layers of security on my voice mail in the new phone system? I really don’t want to use a password, and I certainly don’t want to change it every month. I don’t need a high degree of security because my work is not confidential. If someone else gained access to my messages, it wouldn’t do much harm.

To: Gina Xi
From: Sam Arnold
Date: Thursday, 10 April
Subject: Tech support request 7549

Hello, Ms. Xi,

This is in reference to your work order 7549 related to the new phone system. I am happy to help you with that. I understand that you do not feel that a high degree of security is needed for your voice-mail settings, but the new system does require you to have a password to retrieve your voice mail. However, company policy allows me to change the settings for employees who do not work with confidential material. I can update the security settings so that you do not have to reset the password on a regular basis.

I want to make sure that you understand the risk involved with a lower level of security. Anyone who gains access to your voice-mail account can do more than simply listen to your messages. They would be able to delete messages, change your greeting, or change your password so that you would lose access to your own voice mail (at least until someone here at IT could override the password change). If you still feel comfortable with that level of risk, let me know, and I will change the settings so that your password never expires.

Sam Arnold

Tech Support Associate

176. What does Ms. Xi’s request indicate about the company?

177. In the e-mail, the word “regular” in paragraph 1, line 6, is closest in meaning to

178. Where did Mr. Arnold learn about the details of Ms. Xi’s request?

179. How does Mr. Arnold try to satisfy Ms. Xi’s request?

180. What does Mr. Arnold ask Ms. Xi to do?

Questions 181-185 refer to the following e-mail and review.

To: Linda Hanshu
From: Cliff Merson
Subject: Lighting Issue
Date: September 4, 10:12 A.M.

Hi, Ms. Hanshu:

I want to check on the issue we discussed about lighting in the latest chapter of Titan Adventure. In past versions of the game, getting the reflections and lighting in green and blue areas correct has been a particular challenge, and it was a problem that kept arising. As the new release, Neptune's Voyage, is primarily an underwater adventure, addressing this problem is crucial. You said you would take charge of this, and I hope to hear that you have found a solution to the problem. The team was hoping to have one last rendering of the lighting for the game by October 10 for a preliminary run-through. Will the final version of the lighting be ready by then?

All other aspects of the game are on schedule. Please send me an update about the lighting at your earliest convenience.


Cliff Merson
Project Manager, Rimerko Games

Review of Titan Adventure: Neptune's Voyage

By Leo Weber, April 1

This new installment of Titan Adventure will surprise and delight both new players and old aficionados long familiar with the series. Though open-world formats have been widespread in recent years, Neptune’s Voyage brings something new to the format. By stripping down instructional guides, the game gives users the opportunity to discover new areas and devices. In Neptune’s Voyage, you wake up as Thetis, a dolphin that is tasked with rescuing Neptune from an underwater cave. Users then climb, run, ride, sail, and fly through the world of the game, encountering new towns, ruins, and other creatures along the way. Some of these creatures will be familiar to longtime fans, but there is plenty of novelty as well. This newest version also corrects the green and blue image rendering that was sometimes a problem in earlier installments of Titan Adventure.

Neptune's Voyage launches May 5 on Rimerko Clutch and FS5. It is available in English, Korean, Japanese, French, and Spanish.

181. In the e-mail, what is suggested about Mr. Merson?

182. In the review, what is indicated about Neptune’s Voyage ?

183. What can be concluded about Ms. Hanshu?

184. What does Mr. Weber find exciting about Neptune’s Voyage ?

185. When will Neptune’s Voyage be available?

Questions 186-190 refer to the following schedule, e-mail, and job advertisement,

Wonder Ridge Radio Broadcast Schedule, Monday-Friday

6 A.M.-Noon Noon-4 P.M. 4 P.M.-7 P.M. 7 P.M.-10 P.M.
Local news and interviews with community members
Music from traditional jazz to jazz fusion
Folk music from around the world
Modern sounds selected by our station’s own music director
Felice Finney
Malachi Mzee
Penny Ariza
Josie Jones

To: feedback @ wonderridgeradio.org
From: pfabre@sendmail.net
Subject: My new radio station!
Date: October 22

To the folks at Wonder Ridge Radio:

As I was driving last week. I got tired of listening to sports talk and turned the dial. Suddenly, my car was filled with a song that I hadn't heard in many years. It was traditional music from France, where my grandmother was born. She used to play that song when I was a child. I never expected to hear it on the radio here in Wonder Ridge. Thanks for this experience and for all your great programs.

Your new fan,

Pierre Fabre

Wonder Ridge Radio Job Opening: Programming Assistant

Posted November 2

Job Description

The programming assistant reports to the director of programming and supports the radio station by performing a variety of research and communication functions. This role is an entry-level, part-time position.


  • Conducting background research on interviewees
  • Keeping up-to-date on news and news makers in order to suggest potential topics and guests for on-air interviews
  • Updating the station’s Web site and program host biography pages
  • Using scheduling software to update the broadcast schedule
  • Communicating with listeners, especially via e-mail and social media

To apply, e-mail a resume and cover letter to hiring@wonderridgeradio.org.

186. According to the schedule, who is Ms. Jones?

187. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

188. When did Mr. Fabre most likely first listen to Wonder Ridge Radio?

189. What does the job advertisement suggest applicants must have?

190. What radio program will probably receive the most support from the programming assistant?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following instructions, e-mail, and sign.

Instructions for Requesting Records

Thank you for your interest in official records and documents maintained by the City of Abilene. To file a request for public information, please follow these steps.

1. Create an account in the Records Center Web portal. Currently, all requests must be made through the portal.

2. Use the drop-down menu to locate the department from which you are seeking information and submit your request. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a reference number.

3. The department staff will locate the requested records and contact you when they are available. You can have the records delivered to you, or you can pick them up in person. If you prefer to pick them up in person, you must make an appointment with the department staff.

4. If there are any fees associated with your request, you will receive an itemized statement detailing the services provided and the charges for those specific services.

To: Joo-Hee Park <jhpark@coa.net>
From: Keith Brandenberg <kbrandenberg@mailcurrent.com>
Date: May 3
Subject: RE: Reference number W2486

Dear Ms. Park,

Thank you for confirming that my documents are available. I would like to pick them up in person as soon as possible. Do you have any appointments available this week?

I have a question about the fee. Apparently, I am being charged $300 for my documents. I do not understand why the fee is so high, and there was no explanation included in your e-mail. I have requested records several times in the past in my role with RJ Environmental Engineering and have never paid such a high fee. In this case, I am only requesting two maps of the city’s underground pipelines, which will inform our firm’s current work advising the city on wastewater management.

Please clarify the fee for me, and let me know if I can pick up my documents this week. Thank you.

Best regards,

Keith Brandenberg

City of Abilene Administrative Building

Visitors must sign in prior to entering this facility. Please enter your name and the room you will visit in the logbook.

First-Floor Directory:
IT Services - Room 100
Parks and Recreation - Room 101
Transportation - Room 102
Wastewater - Room 103

191. What do the instructions indicate about records requests?

192. According to the e-mail, how does Mr. Brandenberg plan to use some public information?

193. What does the sign indicate visitors must do before entering a building?

194. What was Mr. Brandenberg expecting to receive?

195. What room will Mr. Brandenberg most likely visit?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following review and e-mails.

Famous Actor, First Book

LONDON (25 February)—Fans of Simon Eklund will be delighted with his autobiography, The Theatre Lights Dimmed, the first book he has written in his storied career as an actor. It provides wonderful insight into his career, starting with his first roles in cinema in his native Sweden, moving into his work in France and Italy, and finishing with his recent theatre work in the U.K.

In his book, Mr. Eklund dedicates a fair amount of text to discussing his mentor, Charles Gunnarsson, who helped him develop his skills early on in Stockholm. He also describes the difficulty of transitioning into different types of roles, especially from comedic to dramatic acting. He includes several funny anecdotes about his first attempts at acting onstage here in London. He describes them as disastrous, but anyone who saw his recent performance in Life and Games would say just the opposite.

Mr. Eklund has long been a captivating actor on stage and screen, and now he is a thoroughly engaging author.

—Uma Joshi

To: Edith Hocking
From: Uma Joshi
Date: 2 March
Subject: RE: Opportunity

Dear Edith,

Thank you for agreeing to arrange an interview with Mr. Eklund for me. I think this will be a great follow-up to my recent piece.

In a helpful coincidence, I will be visiting his home country next month to address a journalists' convention. I am the featured speaker and will discuss the benefits of diversity in journalism. I’m sure we can set up something with Mr. Eklund just before or after my speech.


Uma Joshi
Arts and Culture Editor
Top News U.K.

To: Uma Joshi <ujoshi @topnews.co.uk>
From: Maria Cazalla <cazalla@zephyrmail.se>
Date: 20 March
Subject: RE: Information

Dear Ms. Joshi,

We are all very excited about your interview next month with Mr. Eklund. He enjoys all your writing for Top News U.K.—the news stories, interviews, and, of course, your recent article about The Theatre Lights Dimmed!

I just wanted to finalize a few details with you. We have arranged transportation for you from your hotel to Mr. Eklund’s house and then back to the hotel. Please let me know how many people there will be in your group. because Mr. Eklund would like you all to stay for lunch.


Maria Cazalla

196. What does the review mention about Mr. Eklund?

197. Where most likely will Ms. Joshi meet Mr. Eklund?

198. According to the first e-mail, what is one reason Ms. Joshi will travel in April?

199. What is the purpose of the second e-mail?

200. What can be concluded about Mr. Eklund?

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