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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Reading (Test 4)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. After software updates, our customers report significant ---------------- in both speed and reliability.

102. McNeal Unlimited’s market profile was finished before the due date listed ---------------- the project plan.

103. Employees can take up to two weeks off at a time as long as ----------------- requests are approved in advance.

104. Service representatives are responsible for being the ------------------ contact for each of our clients.

105. The ------------------ of the fund-raiser was due to bad weather, so the event will be rescheduled for next weekend.

106. AVB Education’s online courses help users master many computer skills more ------------------- than other learning methods do.

107. The ------------------ of several celebrities at the Sasaki Museum attracted local residents seeking photographs.

108. The committee enthusiastically ------------------ the theater company’s grant application because it encourages community participation.

109. Mr. Ibrahim told the management team that preparation for the annual shareholders’ meeting was going ------------------ as planned.

110. Aryxco’s shipping costs vary based upon the destination and the weight ---------------- the package.

111. The health records of our clients are stored on a ----------------- server that is accessible only to authorized users.

112. Before we sign a contract with the heating company, we must confirm that its proposal meets our installation ---------------------.

113. The area ----------------- the new Furniture Vine headquarters is covered by dense forest.

114. The firm’s top analysts expect that the acquisition of Valuwest, Inc., will lead to a ----------------- future for shareholders.

115. Upon reviewing the draft of the agreement, the lead lawyer will notify Ms. Gwan’s team ------------------------------- any concerns.

116. Following a two-year break, the Grear Institute is once again --------------------- career-building workshops for health-care workers.

117. The Cedar Lake Hotel adjusted its ----------------- prices in an attempt to increase its share of the growing market.

118. Operating hours of Big Midwest Cafes are subject to local ---------------- enforced by the city in which the cafe is located.

119. The legal department ----------------- revisions to the amendment last week, and Ms. Koehler sent it to the corporate group for review.

120. Ms. Arriata asked all ---------------- in yesterday’s Productivity and Technology workshop to send in their questionnaires.

121. Consumers noted that Sunnyside Chocolates taste -----------------different from all other chocolates.

122. With bicycling becoming more popular than ever, the city council plans to ------------- the number of bicycle lanes on city streets.

123. Claston Industry’s guidelines help ensure that equipment ordered from all suppliers ------------------ safety standards.

124. Though Ms. Daiyu -------------------handles customer inquiries, Mr. Mei takes over when she gets a special assignment from her manager.

125. Opportunities for growth cannot -----------------by Aksika Medical without a careful analysis of the costs and benefits.

126. Mayson Technology not only leads its competitors in revenue ------------------ in award-winning innovations.

127. Our presentation will provide an overview of ---------------- the theoretical and the practical aspects of machine learning.

128. The responsibilities of new assembly-line supervisors at the Streamline Auto Plant increase ------------------ as they gain more experience.

129. Although unforeseen factors initially --------------------- the construction of the wind farm, it opened on schedule.

130. ----------------------- Haruto sees an opportunity for professional development, he is sure to take advantage of it.

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