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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Reading (Test 6)

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Mobile phone upgrades will be discounted with the ----------------- of a one-year service plan.

102. Meeting coordinators are ----------------- to make sure the projection equipment is turned off after each use.

103. For questions ----------------- to the use of personal time off, please contact Ms. Matz in the human resources department.

104. Ammeto software ------------------- team members to view project-related schedules, resources, and costs.

105. Customer service representatives are ----------------- to answer your inquiries 24 hours a day.

106. The audience laughed so ------------------- during the play that some of the actors’ lines were drowned out.

107. Customers may request parking validation ------------------------------- before or after they dine with us.

108. Prestige Apartment Homes offers ------------------- apartments for an additional cost.

109. Mr. Park must wait for ---------------- from human resources before posting the job announcement.

110. Please direct inquiries to the appropriate person listed in our ------------------ staff directory.

111. The Blakewood store had been waiting for the shipment of gift boxes ------------------------- finally arrived on Friday morning.

112. Wheller’s software tools make market research quick and easy ------------------ any entrepreneur.

113. Da-Xia Ting is seeking a patent for the heat-exchange valve she ------------------.

114. The library has newspapers dating from the 1700s and is ----------------- a prime destination for historians.

115. A small water leak often leads to major problems if not fixed ---------------- .

116. ----------------------- construction, more than 400 meters of public water pipes will be replaced.

117. The electrical work in the lobby today is not expected to interfere with normal business -----------------.

118. Because the accounting team worked so ---------------- , the report was completed ahead of schedule.

119. The proposal submitted by Ferrisa Associates did not ------------------- an itemized budget.

120. The employee handbook ---------------- states that uniforms must be worn by all customer service providers.

121. Andara Ebele taught ----------------- to paint by copying the styles of famous portrait and landscape artists.

122. Mr. Zasio will need to reschedule his appointment today as his train was unexpectedly ------------------.

123. The bottling machine should be turned off ------------------------------- it is being cleaned.

124. Ms. Ogawa is adamantly ------------------ to the redevelopment project in its current form.

125. -------------------- the statistical report is drafted, Ms. Arista will edit it.

126. Having strong partnerships throughout Southeast Asia has been ------------------- to Srisati Company’s success.

127. Sarah Davidson ----------------- Chikara Architects’ creative vision more enthusiastically than any other associate did.

128. ------------------- with more than a year of employment can apply for tuition assistance if they wish to pursue an academic degree.

129. Factilis Capital is mainly concerned about the enormous ---------------- of the Ito Wind Farm project.

130. All Loreen wristwatches come with ----------------- black, white, and blue bands.

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