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ETS - TOEIC 2023 - Reading (Test 7)

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following Web page.


Available Options | Toothbrushes | Mouthwash | Other Products

Artemis Consolidated Industries (ACI) is the country's leading manufacturer of a range of oral hygiene products for children and adults. Among our best sellers is Oraglitz, the nation's most popular children's toothpaste. It has won various industry awards, including the Product Excellence Prize. In addition to being available on this Web site, Oraglitz can also be purchased at supermarkets, pharmacies, and health food stores nationwide.


Some Basic Facts About Oraglitz


Flavor Designed for Ages Size
Peach 18 months to 3 years 5 and 6 ounce
Strawberry 3 to 4 years 4,5, and 6 ounce
Vanilla 4 to 7 years 4 and 5 ounce
Mint 7 years and up 4 and 6 ounce

147. What is NOT stated about Oraglitz?

148. What flavor of Oraglitz is best for an eight-year-old child?

Questions 149-150 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Parsons Road Distribution List
From: Alfredo Moreno
Date: October 12
Subject: Parsons Road

Dear Parsons Road Businesses:

Beginning in March. Parsons Road will be widened between Memorial Boulevard and Hallam Road. The project will add a center turn lane. bicycle paths. pedestrian paths. and streetlights. In addition. a side gutter will be added to improve water flow.

The Parsons Road project ties into work completed between Hallam Road and Ingraham Avenue earlier this year. This work will improve access to your businesses and increase pedestrian safety on Parsons Road. which can be quite busy. The roadwork is expected to take three months to complete. Please visit www.y0rkcity.gov/parsonsroadproject for more information.


Alfredo Moreno
Community Relations Manager
Bethany Construction and Engineering

149. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

150. What is indicated about the Parsons Road project?

Questions 151-152 refer to the following text-message chain.

Akim Diallo (10:47 A.M.)

Hi, Nicolette. Is your e-mail working? I just reset my password, and now I’m having trouble connecting to the network. Is it just me? I don’t want to miss any important e-mails.

Nicolette Kone (10:49 A.M.)

No, mine is down too.

Akim Diallo (10:52 A.M.)

Any idea what’s going on?

Nicolette Kone (10:52 A.M.)

No, but let me see what I can find out.

Nicolette Kone (10:58 A.M.)

I just checked with the tech support team. It seems to be a global issue with the provider.

Akim Diallo (10:59 A.M.)

Let’s hope it gets resolved soon. Our clients don’t wait—if we don’t respond to their requests immediately, they move on to the next supplier.

Nicolette Kone (11:02 A.M.)

That’s true. I’ll let you know if I get any updates.

151. What is Mr. Diallo unable to do?

152. At 11:02 a.m., what does Ms. Kone most likely mean when she writes, “That’s true”?

Questions 153-154 refer to the following sign.


Some park visitors have been intentionally stacking piles of rocks as an art form or for amusement. Please refrain from doing this on park grounds, as these unofficial rock stacks can disrupt sensitive habitats and affect the area’s natural beauty.

New rock piles can also endanger hikers who traditionally rely on stacked rock markers as navigational tools. Park officials are the only ones who should be stacking rocks, and they do so strategically on trails where the path may be unclear. If you see rocks that have been stacked, please leave them alone, and do not create confusion by making your own stack.

153. What is the purpose of the sign?

154. According to the sign, what do park officials do?

Questions 155-157 refer to the following article.

Orinti Explains Web Site Updates

SAN DIEGO (May 2)—Orinti, Inc., one of North America’s largest purveyors of tea, recently added a page to its Web site, listing the sources of all the tea leaves that end up in its final products. The page was created in response to recent public scrutiny over whether the company is justified in claiming that its tea is pesticide-free.

“The rumors being circulated do not reflect reality,” Orinti CEO Giovanni Shaw said in a public statement issued on Tuesday. “We procure tea leaves only from producers who meet our strict quality standards. We never settle for anything less.”

According to Mr. Shaw, the company also utilizes software that tracks the producer, the processing date, and other pertinent data for each batch of tea leaves.

“This level of detail is not displayed on our packaging for the simple reason that we do not have the space for it,” said Mr. Shaw. “As we are committed to transparency, this information can be viewed on our Web site.”

The popular blog foodnews.org was the first to call into question Orinti’s assertion that its tea leaves are grown without the use of pesticides. The issue has since attracted national attention.

155. What does the company’s new Web page display?

156. Why did Mr. Shaw issue a public statement?

157. What does the article suggest about Orinti, Inc.?

Questions 158-160 refer to the following notice.

Learn about Woodworking

Multonia Hardware, Inc., is offering an online video course about basic woodworking. — [1] —. The course is fun and can be completed at your own pace, and, best of all, it’s free! It is divided into four prerecorded sections. —[2]—. Section 1 is an introduction to woodworking equipment, tools, and safety. — [3] —. Section 2 describes various types of wood and their appropriate uses. Section 3 introduces the fundamentals of cabinet and furniture repair. — [4] —. The final section describes the preparation of wood surfaces and a variety of popular and beautiful finishing techniques.

The course includes a downloadable instruction guide and an online chat feature that can connect participants with an experienced woodworking artisan. Sign up today at midtoniahardware.com/tips/ hasicwoodworking.

158. What section most likely covers how to choose wood for a project?

159. According to the notice, how can participants find help while taking the course?

160. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Participants may take and retake as many of the sections as they wish.”

Questions 161-164 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Kristen Coetzee <kcoetzee@rhyta.co.za>
From: Anita Ngubane <angubane@clubfreshemip.co.za>
Subject: Welcome to Club Freshen-Up
Date: 12 January

Dear Ms. Coetzee,

Thank you for joining Club Freshen-Up. We are delighted to be a part of your continuing journey to well-being for the next twelve months.

Your membership in Club Freshen-Up entitles you to a monthly delivery of six essential health-care and beauty products. Each shipment will contain a variety of individually packaged items in attractive and reusable containers. Accompanying every shipment will be an itemised receipt listing product numbers. Please refer to these numbers when contacting us with questions about a product.

Everything from vitamins to lotions to cosmetics will be chosen just for you based on the eight answers you provided in the personal-preferences questionnaire. Every item you receive is guaranteed for one full year from the date of shipment. If you wish to return an item, simply send us the unused portion along with a short note describing the reason for your dissatisfaction. Upon receipt, we will send you an alternative of equal value.


Anita Ngubane
Member Services Specialist, Club Freshen-Up

161. What will a Club Freshen-Up subscriber receive every month?

162. What does Club Freshen-Up offer its customers?

163. According to the e-mail, what should accompany every product return?

164. What will Club Freshen-Up do when it receives a product return?

Questions 165-167 refer to the following letter.

9 September

Soraya Delgado
Carrer de Bergara, 2, 08139
Sant Cugat del Valles
Barcelona, Spain

Dear Ms. Delgado,

I am writing to notify you that the board of directors has selected you to receive the Ondae Award for Leadership for the Mediterranean region. Your contributions to Allegrino Travel Agency helped place our company on the radar this year. Due to your relentless work, your direction of the “Find a New Way” marketing initiative, and your strategic development and placement of advertising, our travel agency is now one of the most recognized brands in Europe.

The award ceremony will be held at the next shareholders’ meeting of Allegrino Travel Agency in Copenhagen on 19 November. I would like to ask you to consider being a featured speaker at the meeting in addition to accepting your award. I believe your insights into boosting market share and finding new ways to reframe our services would be incredibly valuable for shareholders and other employees to hear. Of course, all the expenses associated with your travel to Copenhagen would be covered by the company. Please let me know whether you will be available to accept your award and speak about your recent initiatives.


Noor Darwish, CEO
Allegrino Travel Agency

165. What is indicated about Ms. Delgado’s work?

166. What is Ms. Delgado asked to do?

167. The word “covered” in paragraph 2, line 7, is closest in meaning to

Questions 168-171 refer to the following text-message chain.

Vincent Benedict (9:45 A.M.)

Hello. I was given your contact information by my neighbor, Ms. Ryan. You did some work in her home yesterday. I was wondering if you would be able to move a power outlet in my house.

Matt Clayton (9:55 A.M.)

We can help with that. Where is the outlet? By the way, I’m adding my business partner, Denise Bosworth, to this message.

Vincent Benedict (9:57 A.M.)

It’s in my living room, near the floor. I want to move it up. I am going to have a television screen mounted on my wall, and it will look ugly if there are cords hanging down to the outlet.

Matt Clayton (10:00 A.M.)

OK. We can do this type of work for you.

Vincent Benedict (10:02 A.M.)

How much would something like that cost?

Matt Clayton (10:03 A.M.)

That will probably be between one and two hours of labor. We charge $50 per hour.

Denise Bosworth (10:05 A.M.)

However, we might find pipes, insulation, or other wiring in the wall once we open it.

Vincent Benedict (10:08 A.M.)

I understand. Thank you for the information. Are you available to come out and see what needs to be done?

Matt Clayton (10:12 A.M.)

I will have someone from our office get in touch with you by phone to schedule a visit.

168. Why did Mr. Benedict contact Mr. Clayton?

169. What most likely is Mr. Clayton’s job?

170. At 10:08 a.m., what does Mr. Benedict most likely mean when he writes, “I understand”?

171. What should Mr. Benedict expect next?

Questions 172-175 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Sita J. Kumar
To: Homestead Natural Pharmaceuticals Staff
Subject: News
Date: October 10

— [1] —. Thank you all for the wonderful fifteen years I have spent with Homestead Natural Pharmaceuticals. I am especially grateful for all the coworkers and mentors I have worked with over the years. Moreover, for those who worked on the projects that I directed, your commitment to developing safe, effective medicines has always been appreciated. — [2] —.

I will be returning to India to be near my extended family. — [3] —. However, I am not leaving the field. I will be taking a job with Aithal Research, where I will continue the work of making natural pharmaceuticals. — [4] —.

I wish you all the best. Keep up the great work!


Sita Kumar

172. What is one purpose of the e-mail?

173. What most likely is Ms. Kumar’s position at Homestead Natural Pharmaceuticals?

174. What is indicated about Ms. Kumar?

175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“I am proud that, together, we have made positive advances in our industry.”

Questions 176-180 refer to the following review and e-mail.

In the Kitchen
Reviewed by Peter Gottlieb

Qi Chien understands how restaurants work. Her new book, In the Kitchen: How to Thrive in the Restaurant Business, expertly advises restaurant managers on handling challenges in the industry, from creating reasonable schedules for chefs to appeasing picky diners. Throughout the book, Chien offers concise, practical suggestions with easy-to-understand concepts. Overall, the book offers a colorful snapshot of the various tasks involved in the day-to-day operations of a restaurant.

Chien’s book is unique among other industry guides in that she interviewed restaurant owners, managers, and customers as part of her research. She even spoke to journalists who write restaurant reviews to get a good sense of what they most prize in a dining experience. My only criticism is that the book should have also included the perspective of chefs, especially since their role is crucial to a restaurant’s success. This caveat aside, In the Kitchen is an insightful and instructive read.

To: editor@lakecountyherald.com
From: qichien@rapidonline.com
Date: August 5
Subject: In the Kitchen

To the Editor:

I was delighted to read Peter Gottlieb’s review of my latest book. In the Kitchen, in your newspaper. I have appreciated his thoughtful comments about my works over the years, even if they are sometimes negative. In this case, I was especially glad that he liked the chapter about restaurant reviewers, since initially 1 had been reluctant to interview journalists for the book. It is true that I could have included a greater variety of insights, but unfortunately the people whose views he most wanted to hear were just too busy to speak with me before the publishing deadline. Perhaps this is something I can address in an updated edition of the book.

Qi Chien

176. What is the focus of Ms. Chien’s book?

177. What does Mr. Gottlieb indicate about Ms. Chien’s writing?

178. In the review, the word “sense” in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to

179. What is suggested about Mr. Gottlieb in the e-mail?

180. What group of people was Ms. Chien unable to speak to before her deadline?

Questions 181-185 refer to the following e-mail and text message.

To: Harriet Trimble <htrimble@decobusinessdesign.com>
From: Karl Vinton <karl.vinton@VviElpparel.com>
Date: May 26
Sublect: Layout for Vint Apparel store
Attachment: 📎 Store layout

Hello, Harriet,

I am delighted you are available for this latest project: we were very pleased with your previous work. Here are some general instructions to start.

On the back wall. hang the Vint Apparel neon sign high enough to be seen over other furniture in the store. The sign has already shipped and should be delivered next Monday.

The rectangular light fixtures will also arrive on Monday. There should be four—two for each of the side walls. The racks and shelving to display clothing are already there. Please place the three circular racks in the center of the store and put the two shelving units along the left side as you enter the store. Finally, place the cashier station to the right as you enter the store.

I have attached a drawing of the layout that includes more detail.


Karl Vinton, Owner

Harriet Trimble [8:05 A.M.]

I stopped by the Vint Apparel job site. We will have to put everything in place by June 15 because the grand opening is fast approaching. Mr. Vinton stressed that they need to start stocking merchandise the week of June 20 to be ready for the official event on July 1.

Jackson Ortega [8:06 A.M.]

We can do that.

Harriet Trimble [8:07 A.M.]

Also, there has been a change to the layout drawing. Now we are to install a mannequin display where the two shelving units were and then move the shelving units to the side walls. I will bring an updated copy for you when I come over this afternoon.

181. What does Mr. Vinton suggest in the e-mail?

182. According to the e-mail, how many rectangular light fixtures will be delivered?

183. Where will the mannequin display be installed?

184. What does Ms. Trimble suggest is the date of the new Vint Apparel location’s grand opening?

185. What will Ms. Trimble do with the updated layout drawing?

Questions 186-190 refer to the following Web page and e-mails.

Foursquare Housing offers corporate housing with apartment units in the greater Miltonville area. The apartments are fully furnished and include wireless Internet service. Floor plans and photos of apartment interiors can be viewed online.

Center Tower

Located in downtown Miltonville, the ten-story building has shops on the ground level. Center Tower is on the southwest comer of Beeman Square, features a rooftop garden, and is close to public transportation.

Angora Plaza

Located near downtown Miltonville, the building has a self-service laundromat and a large parking garage. It is also close to two subway stations.

Regent Apartments

Located approximately six miles outside of Miltonville, the building features an on-site business center and is within walking distance of public transportation.

Cityview Gardens

Cityview Gardens is a complex of four two-story buildings located in Dayton, about a twenty-minute drive from downtown Miltonville. The property boasts a fitness center and a swimming pool and is adjacent to a community park. A bus line operates a route through the neighborhood.

From: gsteuber@wardertechnology.com
To: info@foursquarehousing.com
Date: July 12
Subject: Inquiry

Foursquare Housing,

I work in the human resources office of Warder Technology’s Miltonville division. We are seeking an apartment that can be used by employees from outside the area who will work at our headquarters temporarily.

We need an apartment for employees who will be in Miltonville for two months or more. The apartment should have amenities like a gym and a pool.


Gina Steuber

From: info@foursquarehousing.com
To: gsteuber@wardertechnology.com
Date: July 12
Subject: Information you requested
Attachment: 📎 Pricing_Leases.pdf

Dear Ms. Steuber,

Thank you for your interest in Foursquare Housing. We have a two-bedroom apartment that will be available on August 15 that should meet your requirements. I have attached a price list for this unit and our other apartments as well. If you agree that this meets your needs, I can send a contract.

I should point out that your corporate headquarters in Beeman Square is next to apartments owned by Foursquare. One apartment here will also become available in August. This would be very convenient if you have short-term visitors.


Sam Flannery
Leasing Agent

186. What is true about all of the apartments listed on the Web site?

187. What apartment would best fit the requirements mentioned by Ms. Steuber?

188. According to Mr. Flannery, what will happen in August?

189. What does Mr. Flannery offer to send Ms. Steuber?

190. What does Mr. Flannery suggest about Warder Technology’s corporate headquarters?

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails and Web page.

To: Everlast Hospital Nursing Staff
From: Gretchen Robertson
Date: February 3
Subject: Deonardo pilot testing

Thank you for agreeing to work with the team at Cybernetic Robotics as they tested their new robot, Deonardo, in our hospital. As you know, Deonardo was developed to allow you, our nursing staff, more time to focus on patients. This is exciting work.

It has been a month, and Cybernetic Robotics would like to hear about your experiences with Deonardo. Please use the following link to complete an online survey. The team especially wants to know about your experiences with Deonardo during the state reviewers’ inspection on January 28. At the end of the survey, you may leave any additional comments you have about the robot.

www.cyberneticrobotics.com/ survey/everlast/

Best regards,

Gretchen Robertson
Director, Everlast Hospital

https://www.cyberneticrobotics.com/ survey/everlast/01282

Deonardo is easy to work with. I like that I don't have to tell Deonardo directly what to do. When I update patient information in our system, Deonardo’s tasks are updated as well. I have been better able to concentrate on my patients because I know Deonardo takes care of little things that used to take up so much of my time. Deonardo was particularly helpful during a recent state review because it delivered patients' medications for all the nurses so that we didn’t have to, and we were able to focus on patient care. I believe Deonardo helped us receive positive comments from the inspectors.

I do wish Deonardo could respond to voice commands. And occasionally, its wheels squeak as it moves around. But patients like watching it work, and everyone wants to take pictures with it. I wonder if you could get Deonardo to stand still for pictures?

Lan Duy, BSN

To: Everlast Hospital Nursing Staff
From: Gretchen Robertson
Date: February 13
Subject: Deonardo in-house pilot

Thank you all for your help with Deonardo, our nursing robot. I’m glad that our staff has been able to take part in such groundbreaking work.

Those of you who work directly with Deonardo can expect it to behave a bit differently in the coming week. It will be programmed to perform some new tasks. Previously, it waited at the nurse’s station between tasks. Now, it will spend some of this time interacting with patients who may want to pose for pictures with it. When Deonardo is in this socializing mode, the eyes on its LED face will be heart-shaped instead of the round eyes that indicate that it is in work mode.

Finally, the hospital will be purchasing two additional robots in the next few months to work in other areas of the hospital. I appreciate your willingness to work with this new technology. We look forward to learning how robots can further improve employee and patient experiences.


Gretchen Robertson
Director, Everlast Hospital

191. What is the purpose of the first e-mail?

192. What task did Deonardo perform on January 28?

193. In the second e-mail, what does Ms. Robertson indicate about Deonardo?

194. What suggestion from Ms. Duy did the robotics company most likely apply?

195. What does the hospital plan to do in the near future?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mail, advertisement, and online form.

To: management team@pfi.co.uk
From: schakravarty@pfi.co.uk
Subject: R&D Director Search
Date: 24 July
Attachment: 📎 Files.txt

Dear Management Team Members,

On behalf of the hiring committee. I am pleased to report that the search for a new research and development director is nearing completion.

Given the key selection criteria the suitable candidate must meet—a demonstrated ability to improve product offerings, a keen awareness of consumers’ tastes, and in-depth knowledge of nutritional science—we have narrowed the applicant pool to Alex Mooring and Inez Fuentes. While either makes for an excellent choice. I believe that Ms. Fuentes is better suited to the role. Though somewhat less experienced than Mr. Mooring, she has innovative ideas that are in line with our company’s needs.

Attached are the resumes and references of the two candidates. The dates, times, and location of their final interviews will be forthcoming in another e-mail when that information is finalized. We look forward to your participation in these meetings as well as your final hiring decision.


Supriya Chakravarty, Chair, Hiring Committee
Primidian Food Industries

Upcoming Events at Primidian Food Industries

On 7 October at 10 A.M., Ms. Inez Fuentes, director of research and development at Primidian Food Industries (PFI), will facilitate a workshop titled Food Innovation for the Future. Among other things, she will explain why PFI recently reformulated its pasta products and demonstrate how they can be prepared in novel, tasty ways.

Ms. Fuentes is a certified nutritionist with a degree in food science from Mexico City’s Academy of Science and Technology. Upon graduation, she accepted a two-year internship at Italy’s prestigious Rome Institute of Culinary Arts. Before joining PFl’s executive team, she served for five years as lead product development manager at Zesty Meals, based in Montreal, Canada.

Register for this free event at www.pfi.co.uk/events/register, specifying whether you will attend online or in person at our corporate headquarters in Birmingham.


Who We Are | Our Brands | News and Events | Contact Us

Please complete the form below so someone from our team can contact you.

Name: Chaim Auerbach

E-mail: chaim_auerbach@equisend.net.uk

Your Message:

I thoroughly enjoyed the Food Innovation for the Future workshop led by Ms. Fuentes on 28 October. I almost missed it, though. Apparently, when details about the workshop were updated, including that it would be an online-only event, my registration—and, I learned, that of some other participants—was not transferred over. Luckily, a staffer charged with online registration was able to quickly reregister me. PFI may want to analyse its electronic registration system and make improvements where necessary so that this problem does not reoccur.

196. Why did Ms. Chakravarty write the e-mail?

197. According to the e-mail, what will Ms. Chakravarty send to committee members in the near future?

198. What can be concluded about the management team?

199. Based on the advertisement, where most likely does Ms. Fuentes currently live?

200. What is suggested about the workshop?

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