Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Alex ------------------ that he had taken the test five times.

2. Almost every part of our lives ------------------ computerized over the past 10 years.

3. Mike didn't ------------------ at J ill's party last night because he had a headache.

4. I went to Dos Angeles fifteen years ------------------.

5. He seems ------------------ as surprised by the news as we were.

6. Kate usually ------------------ to class by bicycle. but today she went by bus because of the min.

7. Frank ------------------ a TV show when Karen got home.

8. The couple must need a ------ because they have just returned from a long journey.

9. We ------------------ her for more than twenty years.

10. His father ------------------ a lawyer, but now he's a politician.

11. We were asked not to disturb the baby because he ------------------.

12. He has studied English ------------------ he was in elementary school.

13. While Steve was washing his car, he ------------------ some dents in the doors.

14. By the time he arrived at the ------------------, the movie had ended.

15. Ever since he arrived, he ------------------ quietly in the corner.

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