Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following article.
The big news in sports today is whether boxing champion Tyson Lewis will come out of retirement. Tyson Lewis was the three time world champion who quit boxing to become a children's book ________.

His most well-known children’s book is The Happy Pigs Go Camping. When asked why he gave up a multi-million dollar ________

in boxing to write children's books, Mr. Lewis said, “Because I like kids.” Tyson Lewis has been seen ________

at Rocky Stalliano's Fitness Center and may be close to a return to the sport of boxing. If he returns he will fight the current heavyweight champion Buster McFluster in Las Vegas. Can Tyson Lewis make a comeback? Many people, including all of the ________

of the Happy Pig book series, hope so.

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