Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 8 through 11 refer to the following chart.

Movie-Rama Movie Theatres recently compiled a list of the top movies in 2004.The movies are listed by title, total sales profit, production costs, genre, and leading actor/actress. After adding up the profits of all movies released in 2004, we came up with the following results:

  Film Profit Cost Genre Actor/ Actress
1 Jolly Green $450.47 $150.23 Comedy Tom Pitt
2 Under and Over $373.38 $100 Action Arnold Stalloni
3 The Life of Joan $370.27 $3.5 Action Jessica Albino
4 Once Upon a Time $251.66 $34 Comedy Steve Martini
5 My Friends $249.36 $36 Comedi Ben Hill
6 The End of Time $186.74 $16 Horror Christopher Lynch
7 Drivers $176.05 $24 Thriller Pen Teller
8 Ha Ha Ha $162.46 $65 Romantic Comedy Steve Martini
9 Before Evening $160.76 $60 Drama Freddy Dryden
10 Outer Space $155.11 $100 Science Fiction Ian Rutheford

The movies listed are for movies opening in Movie-Rama Movie Theatres only. Movie-Rama Movie Theatres would also like to congratulate Ian Rutheford for his award-winning performance as Captain Mercury. in the hit movie Outer Space. As most viewers know, Ian Rutheford recently returned from a five year break from movie making. During that time, Mr. Rutheford worked in Cambodia helping handicapped children and was awarded the Higgens medal for world service.

8. Which movie made the biggest profit?

9. Which film made the smallest profit?

10. Which kind of movie had the most total sales?

11. Which actor/actress spent time helping handicapped children?

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