Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Johnny continued to make -------------------------, though he was told not to.

2. ------------------------- what to do, he just waited until his father arrived.

3. He has traveled to Africa before, -------------------------?

4. Mike ------------------------- repaired the car.

5. I'm afraid we ------------------------- the day very much.

6. “Didn’t you ------------------------- the exam?” “No, I did not."

7. I would like you ------------------------- go out with him at night.

8. He may ------------------------- been there before.

9. My grandfather moves slowly and speaks -------------------------.

10. Mr. Lee ------------------------- better than he writes.

11. Roger ------------------------- nor flowers when he was in prison.

12. Venus ------------------------- the closest planet to the sun; Mercury is.

13. On my trip to Italy, I lost a suitcase, broke my glasses, and ------------------------- my flight home.

14. The children enjoy playing in the sand and ------------------------- in the ocean.

15. Let's ------------------------- the art gallery first, and then have some lunch.

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