Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 8 through 11 refer to the following article

How Not to Succeed in Your Job

Many magazines have articles on how to be a success. but here at Business Monthly, the Magazine for Busy Businesspeople, we thought it would be helpful if our readers knew how to fail.

Don't come to work on time. If you want to tall at work. then don't be on time. Punctuality, or being where you should when you should. is a common trait of successful people. If you don't want to succeed, be late for all of your appointments.

Don't ask questions. Successful people often try to learn what they don't already know. They ask questions if they are unsure of a situation or a procedure. If you want to fail. make sure you keep your questions to yourself.

: Never team new things. In order to get ahead in your career. it is necessary to keep yourself updated on current information in your field. Information changes quickly; it you want to be left behind. then don't keep up with the changes.

Don‘t mind your own business. MYOB. or Mind Your Own Business. means not getting involved in office gossip. If you talk about others behind their backs. then you can expect that others are talking about you as well. So it you want to fail. stick your nose where it does not belong.

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