Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following schedule.


The following is a list of flighs from Timmy Tucker International Airport on June 24th.

Flight Number Gate Departure time Destination Status
BK223 1 11:30 New York Departed
AF044 2 11:30 Barcelona Boarding
SK001 3 12:00 Almaty Preparing for boarding
JA202 6 13:00 Seoul/Tokyo Delayed 60 minutes
AF006 22 13:30 Paris Cancelled
KL222 Please listen to
  Bangkok On time
OZ661 4 14:00 New York Delayed 3 hours
LT881 19 15:45 Amsterdam/ Stockkholm On time
BA003 28 19:00 New York On time
LT882 10 20:20 Stockholm On time

1. When will the flight to Tokyo probably leave?

2. Which flight was scheduled to leave at the same time as the flight to Barcelona?

3. Which is the earliest flight of all?

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