Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following information.
One of the most mysterious places ----------------------- world is a Small island off the coast of South America
called Easter Island. Easter Island is home to thousands of giant stone figures called Moai that circle the island looking outward towards the sea. The island's real name is Rapa Nui, but is called Easter Island because it was first ------------------------ by Europeans on Easter Sunday, 1722. The island
used to be ------------------------ to thousands of pacific island people who carved the giant Moai out of volcanic
rock and placed them along the beaches of the island. No one knows exactly why the people of Easter Island carved the giant stone statues. Some people say it was to keep away evil spirits and others say it was a way to honor their ancestors. But ----------------------, it is still a mystery.

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