Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 9 through 12 refer to the following information.
When we think of graffiti, we ------------------------ think of some kids with a can of spray paint writing their
name on the side of a wall. But did you know that graffiti has been around for thousands of years? The oldest known graffiti comes from Egypt. Some of the workers who built the pyramids were known to have scratched their names on some of the -------------------------- stones over 2,500 years ago!
Graffiti shows up in the strangest of places. During World War II, allied soldiers used to write graffiti on the sides of bombs and artillery shells before --------------------------- them at the enemy.
---------------------, graffiti is seen as a type of urban art form. Many cities hold graffiti contests where
groups of artists called “crews” compete to see who has the best artistic skills.

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