Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following article.
Many parents worry that their children don’t eat properly when they go off to university. While ________

students live off instant noodles, they are not the average according to the results of a recent survey. Most of the university sophomores surveyed last month said that they cook for themselves at least three times a week. The other days they eat with friends. Many of the students said they take it ________

to cook for each other. On the days that they don't cook, they said that they often eat cereal. This ________

a bad thing. Most cereals these days are fortified with a wide range of vitamins and minerals. So although it is not the most appetizing diet, provided they don't ________ too many sugary cereals, it is not a completely unhealthy choice of foods.

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