Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following notice
Volunteers Wanted
The Psychology Department of Queenstown University is ---------------------- volunteers to take part in an
experiment. We need 150 volunteers: 75 men and 75 women. Volunteers should be aged --------------------- 20 and 25 and should not be taking any kind of medication. Volunteers must not be
enrolled in any of the university’s current psychology courses. The experiment will take between thirty to forty minutes to complete. Participants will be asked to answer a series of questions after ------------------------- a short film. A small fee will be paid to
participants. Coffee and tea will be also served during the film. If you are ----------------------, please contact the Psychology Department secretary on 990-8887 before
January 30th

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